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Negative Array Size Exception

I'm new to Blackberry and I'm trying to get post a search term to a server in xml. But I keep getting this error Request Failed. Reason Java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException.

I wanted to check if the connection works before I parse the data so from this connection, am expecting to receive the response text in xml. Below is the code:

public void webPost(String word) {
    word = encode (word);
    String responseText;
        HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)Connector.open("http://some url.xml");
        String postData = "username=loginapi&password=myapilogin&term="+ word;
        connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
        OutputStream requestOut = connection.openOutputStream();

        InputStream detailIn = connection.openInputStream();
        byte info[]=new byte[(int)connection.getLength()];
        responseText=new String(info);
        requestSuceeded(requestOut.toString(), responseText);
    catch(Exception ex){

private void requestSuceeded(String result, String responseText) {
    if(responseText.startsWith("text/xml")) { 
        String strResult = new String(result); 
        synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) { 
    } else{ 
        synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) { 
            Dialog.alert("Unknown content type: " + responseText); 

public void requestFailed(final String message) { 
    UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { 
        public void run() { 
            Dialog.alert("Request failed. Reason: " + message); 

private String encode(String textIn) {
     //encode text for http post
    textIn = textIn.replace(' ','+');
    String textout = "";
    for(int i=0;i< textIn.length();i++){
        char wcai = textIn.charAt(i);
        if(!Character.isDigit(wcai) && !Character.isLowerCase(wcai) && !Character.isUpperCase(wcai) && wcai!='+'){
                case '.':
                case '-':
                case '*':
                case '_':
                    textout = textout+wcai;
                    textout = textout+"%"+Integer.toHexString(wcai).toUpperCase();//=textout.concat("%").concat(Integer.toHexString(wcai));
            textout = textout+wcai;//=textout.concat(wcai+"");
    return textout;
like image 785
michael92 Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 13:06


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1 Answers

connection.getLength() is returning -1.

Before creating info array, check the length of the connection.

int length = (int) connection.getLength();

if(length > 0){
     byte info[]=new byte[length];
     // perform operations

     System.out.println("Negative array size");
like image 82
Kalai Selvan Ravi Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 23:12

Kalai Selvan Ravi