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Needed - Visual Studio Custom Build Actions To Minify JS and CSS

I've been using Combres in my applications to compress, combine and minify my javascript and css at run time. This works extremely well and satisfies YSlow perfectly.

Now I'm rethinking the whole process for performance reasons, and I'm more so thinking about doing all of this at build time instead of run time.

I'm hoping that I can get a little advice on how to do this without too much hassle. Is there an existing tool (similar to Combres) that can do what I need?

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Chase Florell Avatar asked Oct 04 '10 17:10

Chase Florell

1 Answers

Meet Chirpy

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Chirpy Mashes, minifies, and validates your javascript, stylesheet, and dotless files.

Chirpy is chippy. Use Google Closure Tools or YUI Compressor for .Net to minify and mash all of your precious assets. It's easy, it's flexible, and it's automatic.

More info here or on the CodePlex site

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Eduardo Molteni Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Eduardo Molteni