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Need Platform SDK for VC6

Does anyone know where I can download the last Platform SDK to work with VC6? The links I could find by Googling all seem to be dead.

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sashoalm Avatar asked Feb 16 '11 15:02


People also ask

What is Microsoft SDK for Visual Studio?

The Visual Studio SDK helps you extend Visual Studio features or integrate new features into Visual Studio. You can distribute your extensions to other users, as well as to the Visual Studio Marketplace.

How do I open Microsoft SDK?

The Windows SDK is installed as part of the Desktop development with C++ workload in the Visual Studio Installer. A standalone version is available at Windows SDK. Open the shortcut menu for the project node, and choose Retarget projects. (In earlier versions of Visual Studio, choose Retarget SDK Version.)

2 Answers

I managed to find it here... (official or not)


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deltanine Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


If you have an MSDN subscription, the Platform SDK (February 2003) and others are available under "Tools and Resources -> Platform SDK and DDKs"

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Zach Burlingame Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Zach Burlingame