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Native Web App with PhoneGap, JQuery Mobile and AngularJS?

I would like to develop a advanced web app for android and iOS. I tries some basics with JQuery Mobile and Phonegap and now I am looking for a good structured web application javascript framework. I found angular JS from google. Does anybody have experience with these 3 technologies combinated? Can this good work together?

Thanks for help!

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Rookee Avatar asked Dec 30 '13 12:12


2 Answers

Although I haven't played around with PhoneGap too much yet, I have used angularjs in conjunction with Apache Cordova (which powers PhoneGap).

Here is a really great article, which helped me to get started:

The Definitive Guide to Angular on Mobile

Also, the last few days I've been playing around with Intel's new XDK and it is really helpful for making this type of development a bit less cumbersome (or so it seems so far).


I've recently been using the Ionic framework and it is fantastic. I like it enough that I decided to come back here and add a link to it since it brings Cordova and Angular together perfectly.

Ionic Framework

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Jake Johnson Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 05:10

Jake Johnson

I would start with this example that uses phonegap, angularjs and topcoat:


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Sergio Morstabilini Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 05:10

Sergio Morstabilini