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NancyFX Catch All route

Does NancyFX supports ASP.NET MVC like 'Catch All' route? I need one, that basically match every URL. This is very handy for building up Single Page applications.

Is that possible?

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Alexander Beletsky Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 19:10

Alexander Beletsky

4 Answers

Tested in Nancy version 0.23.2

Get[@"/(.*)"] did not work for me as a catch-all route. The routes "/", "/foo/bar", and longer routes would not catch. It seems like there's no getting around having to define a Get["/"] route for the root URL. Nothing else seems to catch it (tried Get["{uri*}"]). Here's how I ended up defining my routes (keep in mind I'm doing this for an Angular application):

Get["/views/{uri*}"] = _ => { return "A partial view..."; };
Get["/"] =
Get["/{uri*}"] = _ =>
    var uri = (string)_.uri;// The captured route
    // If you're using OWIN, you can also get a reference to the captured route with:
    var environment = this.Context.GetOwinEnvironment();// GetOwinEnvironment is in the 'Nancy.Owin' namespace
    var requestPath = (string)environment["owin.RequestPath"];
    return View["views/defaultLayout.html"];

It's important to understand Pattern Scoring. The route patterns are weighted, if two routes match the same url segment, the higher score wins. The catch-all pattern is weighted 0 and even though the /views/{uri*} route pattern is also a catch-all, it starts with a literal, which is weighted 10000, so it will win out on all routes that start with /views.

Here's more info on Accessing Owin's Environment Variables. Note that the captured uri variable and requestPath will be slightly different. The requestPath will start with a / where as the uri variable will not. Also, if the matched route pattern is Get["/"], uri will be null and requestPath will be "/".

The Views route will return a partial html file, based on the url path, and all other routes will return the default Layout page that will bootstrap the SPA.

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nwayve Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10


Yes, using Regex

Get[@"/(.*)"] = parameters => {
    return View["viewname", parameters];

But you don't really need it for building a Single Page Application with NancyFX - you can just use Get and Post with all your routing logic and still have a single page app.

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synhershko Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10


An updated answer for whom @synhershko 's solution does not work. Try:

Get[@"^(.*)$"] = parameters => {
    return "hi";

This will capture all paths except for the index page. I am not sure if this will work in the context of Angular, but this worked for me when trying to hack together a simple server with just one handler.

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ymbcKxSw Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10


Answer provided by @synhershko does not work for me. It does not handle /users/2 or any other route containing more segements.

Below code works on my machine ;) :

public class IndexModule : NancyModule
    dynamic IndexPage() { return View["Index"]; }

    public IndexModule()
        Get["/"] = _ => { return IndexPage(); };
        Get["/(.*)"] = _ => { return IndexPage(); };
        Get["/(.*)/(.*)"] = _ => { return IndexPage(); };
        Get["/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)"] = _ => { return IndexPage(); };

My solution is not perfect, cause it does not match everything. I repeated as many '/(.*)' as in my longest Angular route.

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Krzysztof Morcinek Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10

Krzysztof Morcinek