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Naming Conventions for .NET / C# / WPF Projects

What is a widely accepted naming convention for .NET/C#/WPF projects?

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Ra. Avatar asked May 17 '10 05:05


People also ask

What is the naming convention in C#?

When naming an interface , use pascal casing in addition to prefixing the name with an I . This clearly indicates to consumers that it's an interface . When naming public members of types, such as fields, properties, events, methods, and local functions, use pascal casing.

Should enums be capitalized C#?

The only thing that you should make all caps like that are constant/final variables. When you have local variables you should always use camel case. Show activity on this post. Names of enumeration types (also called enums) in general should follow the standard type-naming rules (PascalCasing, etc.).

1 Answers

Microsoft has an extensive MSDN article on naming conventions here.

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Igor Zevaka Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10

Igor Zevaka