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Mysterious Racket error: define: unbound identifier; also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: define




This program produces an error:

define: unbound identifier;
 also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: define

When pasted into the REPL (to be exact, the last line: (displayln (eval-clause clause state))), it works. When run in definition window, it fails. I don't know why.

#lang racket
(define *state* '((a false) (b true) (c true) (d false)))
(define *clause* '(a (not b) c))

(define (eval-clause clause state)
  (for ([x state])
    (eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x))))
  (eval (cons 'or (map eval clause))))

(displayln (eval-clause *clause* *state*))

This too:

(define (eval-clause clause state)
  (eval `(let ,state ,(cons 'or clause))))


let: unbound identifier;
 also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: let

This was my attempt to translate the following Common Lisp program: Common Lisp wins here?

; (C) 2013 KIM Taegyoon
; 3-SAT problem
; https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lisp-korea/sVajS0LEfoA
(defvar *state* '((a nil) (b t) (c t) (d nil)))
(defvar *clause* '(a (not b) c))

(defun eval-clause (clause state)
  (dolist (x state)
    (set (car x) (nth 1 x)))
  (some #'identity (mapcar #'eval clause)))

(print (eval-clause *clause* *state*))

And in Paren:

(set *state* (quote ((a false) (b false) (c true) (d false))))
(set *clause* (quote (a (! b) c)))
(defn eval-clause (clause state)
  (for i 0 (dec (length state)) 1
    (set x (nth i state))
    (eval (list set (nth 0 x) (nth 1 x))))  
  (eval (cons || clause)))
(eval-clause *clause* *state*)
like image 936
KIM Taegyoon Avatar asked Dec 26 '13 03:12

KIM Taegyoon

2 Answers

eval is tricky in Racket. As per Racket Guide, 15.1.2, you need to hook into the current namespace as follows

(define-namespace-anchor anc)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace anc))

and then add ns to every call to eval:

(define (eval-clause clause state)
  (for ([x state])
    (eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x)) ns))
  (eval (cons 'or (map (curryr eval ns) clause)) ns))

Note that this is not necessary in the REPL, as explained in the document referenced above.

However, it's probably a better idea to create a specific namespace for your definitions so that they don't get mixed up with your own module's definitions:

(define my-eval
  (let ((ns (make-base-namespace)))
    (lambda (expr) (eval expr ns))))

(define *state* '((a #f) (b #t) (c #t) (d #f)))
(define *clause* '(a (not b) c))

(define (eval-clause clause state)
  (for ([x state])
    (my-eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x))))
  (my-eval (cons 'or (map my-eval clause))))

(displayln (eval-clause *clause* *state*))

or, if you want to continue using true and false from racket/bool, define my-eval as follows;

(define my-eval
  (let ((ns (make-base-namespace)))
    (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
      (namespace-require 'racket/bool))
    (lambda (expr) (eval expr ns))))
like image 82
uselpa Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11


I would write the Common Lisp version slightly simpler:

(defun eval-clause (clause state)
  (loop for (var value) in state
        do (set var value))
  (some #'eval clause))

The LOOP form is more descriptive (since we can get rid of CAR and NTH) and EVAL can be directly used in the SOME function.

like image 31
Rainer Joswig Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11

Rainer Joswig