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Mysqldump without password in crontab

I try to backup my database with mysqldump and cronjobs.

Well, I added the following command to the crontab of user root:

*/30 * * * * mysqldump -u root -pVERYSECUREPASSWORD --all-databases > /var/www/cloud/dump_komplett.sql &> /dev/null

This works fine so far, but the problem is that the password is set in this command.

So I want to include a .database.cnf file that look like this


and changed the mysqldump command to

mysqldump --defaults-extra-file="/var/crons/mysql/.database.cnf" --all-databases -u root > /var/www/cloud/dump_komplett.sql

to solve this problem.

But this command fails with the error:

mysqldump: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect

I don't know what's wrong.

Here are some commands I also tried:

mysqldump --defaults-extra-file="/var/crons/mysql/.database.cnf" --all-databases > /var/www/cloud/dump_komplett.sql
mysqldump --defaults-file="/var/crons/mysql/.database.cnf" --all-databases > /var/www/cloud/dump_komplett.sql
mysqldump --defaults-file="/var/crons/mysql/.database.cnf" --all-databases -u root > /var/www/cloud/dump_komplett.sql

and .database.cnf contents I also tried:



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Marcel Balzer Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 11:11

Marcel Balzer

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By default, mysqldump locks all the tables it's about to dump. This ensure the data is in a consistent state during the dump.

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If mysqldump is not identified by the cmd prompt that means it cannot recognize where the mysqldump.exe is located. You need to add path of the directory where the exe is located in the PATH variable under environment variables. After doing that your command will start working in the cmd prompt.

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1 Answers

The user has to be specified in the command and not in the file with the u parameter.

For more details on scheduling cron jobs using mysqldump, check this answer

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Anshul Goyal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Anshul Goyal