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MySQL Subquery using SUM, WHERE, GROUP_BY

I'm a beginner (not a DBA). The simple version of my data ==> My hoped for result:

|ball |color|count|         |ball |Total Blue|Total Red| 
-------------------         ----------------------------
|b1   |red  |   2 |  ====>  |b1   | 5       | 2        |  
|b1   |blue |   3 |         |b2   | 3       | 1        |  
|b1   |blue |   2 |           
|b2   |red  |   1 |             
|b2   |blue |   3 |     

I want to tabulate each ball (b1, b2, etc). Then the total instance of each color for each ball. There are multiple entries for each color of each ball (in my real world data). But here I show multiple entries for the blue #1-balls only.

I can easily do this:

SELECT ball, 
SUM(count) AS 'Total Blue'
WHERE color = 'blue'

To obtain the first (good) result:

|ball |Total Blue| 
|b1   | 5        |  
|b2   | 3        | 

To go further, I think I need a subquery. But I have not been able to get the subquery to process the same way as the regular query.

Below is the closest result I've gotten so far (simple attempt):

SELECT ball, 
SUM(count) AS 'Total Blue',
(SELECT SUM(count) FROM t1 WHERE color = 'red') AS 'Total Red'
FROM t1 
WHERE color = 'blue'

I get this:

|ball |Total Blue| Total Red|
|b1   | 5        |  3       |
|b2   | 3        |  3       |

Total Red shows the total of all red balls regardless of ball number.

This more involved subquery (for red) produces the exact same result:

(SELECT DISTINCT count AS cc FROM t1  WHERE color = 'red') AS dd )
AS 'Total Red'

I've added GROUP BY to this subquery to no added effect. This is as close as I've been able to get. Many other tries have given a variety of results.

like image 250
Paul Quesada Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 00:08

Paul Quesada

2 Answers

Try combining SUM and IF:

    SUM(IF(color = 'blue', count, 0)) AS 'Total Blue'
    SUM(IF(color = 'red', count, 0)) AS 'Total Red'
 FROM t1
 GROUP BY ball
like image 116
Mark Byers Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Mark Byers

I just want to offer the following, because CASE is standard SQL and IF is not:

select ball,
       sum(case when color = 'blue' then `count` else 0 end) as TotalBlue,
       sum(case when color = 'red' then `count` else 0 end) as TotalRed
from t
group by ball
order by 1

Also, having "count" as the name of a column is a bad idea, because it is an SQL reserved word.

like image 32
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Gordon Linoff