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Creating JDBC Connection in SOAPUI

I am new to SOAPUI and have been trying to do query and procedure testing using SOAPUI. I went through the SOAPUI documentation on net however I am not able to establish an connection to my DB.. I have copied the mysql jar in the lib folder of SOAPUI. The exception I get is

Tue Nov 08 12:54:51 IST 2011:ERROR:com.eviware.soapui.support.SoapUIException: Failed to init connection for drvr [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver], connectionString [jdbc:mysql://DB SERVER IP:PORT/DB NAMES?user=username&password=password]

Can anyone please tell me what is wrong... Here are the steps of what I did in SOAPUI for this JDBC thing:-

> 1.New project.
> 2. Clock on New Project.
> 3.Go to JDBC Connections tab.
> 4. Add a new Data Connection.
> 5. Specified unique name.
> 6. selected driver as mysql:com.jdbc.driver
> 7.I can only see to mention host,port and DB.
> 8.Mentioned Host,Port and DB..
> 9.Tested the Connection.
> 10.Got the above mentioned excpetion...

Please help anyone...

like image 755
AngelsandDemons Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 07:11


1 Answers

You could try the following. I had the same problem once and the following was working for me:

  • Download the JAR for MySQL again. In my case it happened that the JAR itself was corrupt.
  • Copy the JAR to %soapUI Folder%\bin\ext
like image 151
Robert Strauch Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Robert Strauch