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mySQL subquery limit



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Can I use limit in subquery MySQL?

Intention of using limit in subquery is so main query run on limited records fetched from subquery. And if we keep limit outside then it makes limit useless for subquery.

What are the limitations of subquery?

Subqueries cannot manipulate their results internally, that is, a subquery cannot include the order by clause, the compute clause, or the into keyword. Correlated (repeating) subqueries are not allowed in the select clause of an updatable cursor defined by declare cursor. There is a limit of 50 nesting levels.

Is there a limit clause in MySQL?

The MySQL LIMIT ClauseThe LIMIT clause is used to specify the number of records to return. The LIMIT clause is useful on large tables with thousands of records. Returning a large number of records can impact performance.

How many rows can a subquery return?

Single Row Sub Query Although this query type is formally called "single-row," the name implies that the query returns multiple columns-but only one row of results. However, a single-row subquery can return only one row of results consisting of only one column to the outer query.

Try this:

FROM posts 
WHERE id not in (
      SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT id 
            FROM posts 
            ORDER BY timestamp desc limit 0, 15
      as t);

You can try this:

    posts p1 INNER JOIN 
            ORDER BY timestamp DESC 
            LIMIT 0, 15
    ) AS p2 
ON p1.id = p2.id;

Since the newest 15 will always come from the first 15 if you order them by descending order.You can just delete any id that did not make it into the first 15. like so i just tried it and it worked fine. Hopefully it helps someone

Delete from `table` where id not in (SELECT * FROM (Select id from `table` order by id desc limit 15) as derivedTable);