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MySQL select where varchar length

I'm trying to select all fields where the the length of a field = X

The goal is to see if a field has 15 characters (VARCHAR) and set type=Y

When I test the select I get back 0 rows, which is incorrect.

select *
from payment_options
where char_length(cc_type) = 15

I tried length, char_length, etc but nothing works.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction, please?

Thank You.

Edit: For clarification.

I got it =( I was specifying the wrong field.

What I wanted to do is SET cc_type to Amex if char_length(cc_masked) = 15

UPDATE payment_options
SET cc_type = "Amex"
WHERE char_length(cc_masked) = 15;
like image 573
BardsWork Avatar asked Sep 06 '14 20:09


People also ask

How do I find the length of a VARCHAR in MySQL?

MySQL CHAR_LENGTH() returns the length (how many characters are there) of a given string. The function simply counts the number characters and ignore whether the character(s) are single-byte or multi-byte.

How do I select VARCHAR length in SQL?

You can use the LEN function () to find the length of a string value in SQL Server, for example, LEN (emp_name) will give you the length stored in the emp_name string. Remember that this is different from the actual length you specified when creating the table, for example, emp_name VARCHAR (60).

Should I specify length of VARCHAR?

Always specify a length to any text-based datatype such as NVARCHAR or VARCHAR . Don't over-use the MAX specification either as the resulting column then can't be indexed and comes with performance baggage.

How long is 255 VARCHAR?

VARCHAR(255) stores 255 characters, which may be more than 255 bytes.

1 Answers

What you have should work. Perhaps you need to elaborate on "nothing works": empty result set? sql error? what? You should also specify your schema and sample data.

Regardless, I went ahead and created a sql fiddle show how something like this might work: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/7242e/8

Schema and Sample Data

CREATE TABLE `payment_options` (
    `cc_type` VARCHAR(255),
    `cc_name` VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO `payment_options` (`cc_type`,`cc_name`) VALUES
    ('fifteen chars01','alpha'),
    ('fifteen chars02','bravo'),
    ('not fifteen chars','charlie'),
    ('fifteen chars03','delta'),
    ('really not 15 chars','echo');

Your Existing Query

FROM `payment_options`
WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(`cc_type`) = 15;

Provides the following result set:

|  ID  |  CC_TYPE          |  CC_NAME  |
|  1   |  fifteen chars01  |  alpha    |
|  2   |  fifteen chars02  |  bravo    |
|  4   |  fifteen chars03  |  delta    |

If you want to run the X/Y logic within the query itself, you could use IF (IF() docs, related SO answer):

    IF(CHAR_LENGTH(`cc_type`)=15,'Y','X') as `cc_type_modified`
FROM `payment_options`;


|  ID  |  CC_TYPE              |  CC_NAME  |  CC_TYPE_MODIFIED  |
|  1   |  fifteen chars01      |  alpha    |  Y                 |
|  2   |  fifteen chars02      |  bravo    |  Y                 |
|  3   |  not fifteen chars    |  charlie  |  X                 |
|  4   |  fifteen chars03      |  delta    |  Y                 |
|  5   |  really not 15 chars  |  echo     |  X                 |
like image 188
zamnuts Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
