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MySQL - Removing null value rows from table



I have a table "user" with over 60 columns. One of the column's name is "username"

I want to remove the rows where the username field is empty or NULL

How can I do this?

Thank you!

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Achilles Avatar asked Feb 25 '14 07:02


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2 Answers

Try this



DELETE FROM user WHERE username = '';

Problems with NULL Values

like image 85
Nagaraj S Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09

Nagaraj S

If you want to delete all those rows containing username = NULL AND where username is empty string ("") as well


DELETE FROM table_name WHERE username IS NULL OR username = '';

It is advised to first do a SELECT query with same WHERE condition as that you are going to use in DELETE query to see which rows will be deleted:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username IS  NULL OR username = "";
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Deepak Rai Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09

Deepak Rai