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How to allow Mysql to add more than 1000 rows?



I have installed Mysql on vista and XP. I use perl to crawl the net and insert the data needed into mysql database. The problem is that once the database reaches 1000 rows, the script is not anymore able to add data into the database. is there something that I have to do to fix that problem? I expect the database to have more than 80,000 rows. Thanks for your help.

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T3000 Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 07:07


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3 Answers

The MySQL Workbench will by default show just 1000 rows to prevent you from loading the whole table (which will require loads of time once you reach lets say 2million records).

On the screenshot you can see the controls which are placed directly over the resultset. If you want to display all data, just click the 7th button (Tooltip: Toggle limitation of the records number). This will show you all the records in the table. enter image description here

Now in Workbench 6.2 version Go To Query Tab --> Limit Rows --> (Tick Mark) Don't Limit

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DKSan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10



Couldn't you just use something like: SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 0, 81000

If you suspect that there are 80k records then this will return all


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Michael Law Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Michael Law

Sequel Pro > Preferences > Tables > Limit result to: (in this case 80,000) rows

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Richard Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10
