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MySQL remove duplicates from big database quick

I've got big (>Mil rows) MySQL database messed up by duplicates. I think it could be from 1/4 to 1/2 of the whole db filled with them. I need to get rid of them quick (i mean query execution time). Here's how it looks:
id (index) | text1 | text2 | text3
text1 & text2 combination should be unique, if there are any duplicates, only one combination with text3 NOT NULL should remain. Example:

1 | abc | def | NULL   2 | abc | def | ghi   3 | abc | def | jkl   4 | aaa | bbb | NULL   5 | aaa | bbb | NULL   


1 | abc | def | ghi   #(doesn't realy matter id:2 or id:3 survives)    2 | aaa | bbb | NULL  #(if there's no NOT NULL text3, NULL will do) 

New ids cold be anything, they do not depend on old table ids.
I've tried things like:

CREATE TABLE tmp SELECT text1, text2, text3 FROM my_tbl; GROUP BY text1, text2; DROP TABLE my_tbl; ALTER TABLE tmp RENAME TO my_tbl; 

Or SELECT DISTINCT and other variations.
While they work on small databases, query execution time on mine is just huge (never got to the end, actually; > 20 min)

Is there any faster way to do that? Please help me solve this problem.

like image 991
bizzz Avatar asked Oct 30 '09 20:10


People also ask

How do I exclude duplicate values in MySQL?

Eliminating Duplicates from a Query Resultmysql> SELECT DISTINCT last_name, first_name -> FROM person_tbl -> ORDER BY last_name; An alternative to the DISTINCT command is to add a GROUP BY clause that names the columns you are selecting.

1 Answers

I believe this will do it, using on duplicate key + ifnull():

create table tmp like yourtable;  alter table tmp add unique (text1, text2);  insert into tmp select * from yourtable      on duplicate key update text3=ifnull(text3, values(text3));  rename table yourtable to deleteme, tmp to yourtable;  drop table deleteme; 

Should be much faster than anything that requires group by or distinct or a subquery, or even order by. This doesn't even require a filesort, which is going to kill performance on a large temporary table. Will still require a full scan over the original table, but there's no avoiding that.

like image 122
ʞɔıu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
