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MySQL / PHP: Find similar / related items by tag / taxonomy

I have a cities table which looks like this.

|id| Name    |
|1 | Paris   |
|2 | London  |
|3 | New York|

I have a tags table which looks like this.

|id| tag            |
|1 | Europe         |
|2 | North America  |   
|3 | River          |

and a cities_tags table:

|id| city_id | tag_id |
|1 | 1       | 1      | 
|2 | 1       | 3      | 
|3 | 2       | 1      |
|4 | 2       | 3      | 
|5 | 3       | 2      |     
|6 | 3       | 3      |

How do I calculate which are the most closely related city? For example. If I were looking at city 1 (Paris), the results should be: London (2), New York (3)

I have found the Jaccard index but I'm unsure as how best to implement this.

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Tom Avatar asked Aug 02 '13 14:08


2 Answers

You question about How do I calculate which are the most closely related city? For example. If I were looking at city 1 (Paris), the results should be: London (2), New York (3) and based on your provided data set there is only one thing to relate that is the common tags between the cities so the cities which shares the common tags would be the closest one below is the subquery which finds the cities (other than which is provided to find its closest cities) that shares the common tags

SELECT * FROM `cities`  WHERE id IN (
SELECT city_id FROM `cities_tags` WHERE tag_id IN (
SELECT tag_id FROM `cities_tags` WHERE city_id=1) AND city_id !=1 )


I assume you will input one of the city id or name to find their closest one in my case "Paris" has the id one

 SELECT tag_id FROM `cities_tags` WHERE city_id=1

It will find all the tags id which paris has then

SELECT city_id FROM `cities_tags` WHERE tag_id IN (
    SELECT tag_id FROM `cities_tags` WHERE city_id=1) AND city_id !=1 )

It will fetch all the cities except paris that has the some same tags that paris also has

Here is your Fiddle

While reading about the Jaccard similarity/index found some stuff to understand about the what actualy the terms is lets take this example we have two sets A & B

Set A={A, B, C, D, E}

Set B={I, H, G, F, E, D}

Formula to calculate the jaccard similarity is JS=(A intersect B)/(A union B)

A intersect B = {D,E}= 2

A union B ={A, B, C, D, E,I, H, G, F} =9

JS=2/9 =0.2222222222222222

Now move towards your scenario

Paris has the tag_ids 1,3 so we make the set of this and call our Set P ={Europe,River}

London has the tag_ids 1,3 so we make the set of this and call our Set L ={Europe,River}

New York has the tag_ids 2,3 so we make the set of this and call our Set NW ={North America,River}

Calculting the JS Paris with London JSPL = P intersect L / P union L , JSPL = 2/2 = 1

Calculting the JS Paris with New York JSPNW = P intersect NW / P union NW ,JSPNW = 1/3 = 0.3333333333

Here is the query so far which calcluates the perfect jaccard index you can see the below fiddle example

SELECT a.*, 
( (CASE WHEN a.`intersect` =0 THEN a.`union` ELSE a.`intersect` END ) /a.`union`) AS jaccard_index 
SELECT q.* ,(q.sets + q.parisset) AS `union` , 
(q.sets - q.parisset) AS `intersect`
SELECT cities.`id`, cities.`name` , GROUP_CONCAT(tag_id SEPARATOR ',') sets ,
(SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(tag_id SEPARATOR ',')  FROM `cities_tags` WHERE city_id= 1)AS parisset

FROM `cities_tags` 
LEFT JOIN `cities` ON (cities_tags.`city_id` = cities.`id`)
GROUP BY city_id ) q
) a ORDER BY jaccard_index DESC 

In above query i have the i have derived the result set to two subselects in order get my custom calculated aliases

enter image description here

You can add the filter in above query not to calculate the similarity with itself

SELECT a.*, 
( (CASE WHEN a.`intersect` =0 THEN a.`union` ELSE a.`intersect` END ) /a.`union`) AS jaccard_index 
SELECT q.* ,(q.sets + q.parisset) AS `union` , 
(q.sets - q.parisset) AS `intersect`
SELECT cities.`id`, cities.`name` , GROUP_CONCAT(tag_id SEPARATOR ',') sets ,
(SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(tag_id SEPARATOR ',')  FROM `cities_tags` WHERE city_id= 1)AS parisset

FROM `cities_tags` 
LEFT JOIN `cities` ON (cities_tags.`city_id` = cities.`id`) WHERE  cities.`id` !=1
GROUP BY city_id ) q
) a ORDER BY jaccard_index DESC

So the result shows Paris is closely related to London and then related to New York

Jaccard Similarity Fiddle

like image 170
M Khalid Junaid Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10

M Khalid Junaid

select c.name, cnt.val/(select count(*) from cities) as jaccard_index
from cities c 
inner join 
  select city_id, count(*) as val 
  from cities_tags 
  where tag_id in (select tag_id from cities_tags where city_id=1) 
  and not city_id in (1)
  group by city_id
  ) as cnt 
on c.id=cnt.city_id
order by jaccard_index desc

This query is statically referring to city_id=1, so you'll have to make that a variable in both the where tag_id in clause, and the not city_id in clause.

If I understood the Jaccard index properly, then it also returns that value ordered by the 'most closely related'. The results in our example look like this:

|name      |jaccard_index  |
|London    |0.6667         |
|New York  |0.3333         |


With a better understanding of how to implement Jaccard Index:

After reading a bit more on wikipedia about the Jaccard Index, I've come up with a better way implement a query for our example dataset. Essentially, we will be comparing our chosen city with each other city in the list independently, and using the count of common tags divided by the count of distinct total tags selected between the two cities.

select c.name, 
  case -- when this city's tags are a subset of the chosen city's tags
    when not_in.cnt is null 
  then -- then the union count is the chosen city's tag count
    intersection.cnt/(select count(tag_id) from cities_tags where city_id=1) 
  else -- otherwise the union count is the chosen city's tag count plus everything not in the chosen city's tag list
    intersection.cnt/(not_in.cnt+(select count(tag_id) from cities_tags where city_id=1)) 
  end as jaccard_index
  -- Jaccard index is defined as the size of the intersection of a dataset, divided by the size of the union of a dataset
from cities c 
inner join 
    --  select the count of tags for each city that match our chosen city
    select city_id, count(*) as cnt 
    from cities_tags 
    where tag_id in (select tag_id from cities_tags where city_id=1) 
    and city_id!=1
    group by city_id
  ) as intersection
on c.id=intersection.city_id
left join
    -- select the count of tags for each city that are not in our chosen city's tag list
    select city_id, count(tag_id) as cnt
    from cities_tags
    where city_id!=1
    and not tag_id in (select tag_id from cities_tags where city_id=1)
    group by city_id
  ) as not_in
on c.id=not_in.city_id
order by jaccard_index desc

The query is a bit lengthy, and I don't know how well it will scale, but it does implement a true Jaccard Index, as requested in the question. Here are the results with the new query:

| name     | jaccard_index |
| London   |        1.0000 |
| New York |        0.3333 |

Edited again to add comments to the query, and take into account when the current city's tags are a subset of the chosen city's tags

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Travis Hegner Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Travis Hegner