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mysql fetch assoc VS mysql fetch array





Below are two methods commonly used in most php codes for fetch mysql data .

  1. mysql_fetch_array()
  2. mysql_fetch_assoc()

Now, I have a big database. For fetching data in loops (while) what's faster and better ?

I found this benchmark.

Which is your choice?

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Saimon Avazian Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 21:03

Saimon Avazian

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1 Answers

It depends on how your tables are setup:

mysql_fetch_array() essentially returns two arrays one with numeric index, one with associative string index.

So using mysql_fetch_array() without specifying MYSQL_ASSOC or MYSQL_NUM, or by specifying MYSQL_BOTH will return two arrays (basically what mysql_fetch_assoc() and mysql_fetch_row() would return) so mysql_fetch_assoc() is faster.

If you have your table setup right and query written properly mysql_fetch_assoc() is the way to go, code readability wise $result['username'] is easier to understand than $result[0].

like image 125
The Coder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

The Coder