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MySQL offset infinite rows

People also ask

Can I use offset without LIMIT?

Basically, no. Limit must be supplied.

How can LIMIT offset in MySQL?

SELECT {column name(s)} FROM {table_name} LIMIT [offset] row_count; {column_name} represents the selected columns that need to be returned as query output. {table_name} is the name of the table on which the query is being executed. [offset] is an optional parameter that specifies the first row to be returned.

How can I delete 1000 rows LIMIT in MySQL workbench query?

On the menu bar visit Edit -> Preferences . Jump to the SQL Queries tab. In the Query Results section at the bottom untick the Limit Rows option. You can adjust the limit to a higher value from this location as well, if that is preferable.

What is LIMIT offset in SQL?

The limit option allows you to limit the number of rows returned from a query, while offset allows you to omit a specified number of rows before the beginning of the result set. Using both limit and offset skips both rows as well as limit the rows returned.

From the MySQL Manual on LIMIT:

To retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. This statement retrieves all rows from the 96th row to the last:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 95, 18446744073709551615;

As you mentioned it LIMIT is required, so you need to use the biggest limit possible, which is 18446744073709551615 (maximum of unsigned BIGINT)

SELECT * FROM somewhere LIMIT 18446744073709551610 OFFSET 5

As noted in other answers, MySQL suggests using 18446744073709551615 as the number of records in the limit, but consider this: What would you do if you got 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 records back? In fact, what would you do if you got 1,000,000,000 records?

Maybe you do want more than one billion records, but my point is that there is some limit on the number you want, and it is less than 18 quintillion. For the sake of stability, optimization, and possibly usability, I would suggest putting some meaningful limit on the query. This would also reduce confusion for anyone who has never seen that magical looking number, and have the added benefit of communicating at least how many records you are willing to handle at once.

If you really must get all 18 quintillion records from your database, maybe what you really want is to grab them in increments of 100 million and loop 184 billion times.

Another approach would be to select an autoimcremented column and then filter it using HAVING.

SET @a := 0; 
select @a:=@a + 1 AS counter, table.* FROM table 
HAVING counter > 4

But I would probably stick with the high limit approach.

As others mentioned, from the MySQL manual. In order to achieve that, you can use the maximum value of an unsigned big int, that is this awful number (18446744073709551615). But to make it a little bit less messy you can the tilde "~" bitwise operator.

  LIMIT 95, ~0

it works as a bitwise negation. The result of "~0" is 18446744073709551615.