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When should I use UNSIGNED and SIGNED INT in MySQL?



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When should you use an unsigned int?

Unsigned integers are used when we know that the value that we are storing will always be non-negative (zero or positive).

Why do we need signed and unsigned integer?

Unsigned can hold a larger positive value and no negative value. Unsigned uses the leading bit as a part of the value, while the signed version uses the left-most-bit to identify if the number is positive or negative. Signed integers can hold both positive and negative numbers.

What is difference between signed and unsigned in MySQL?

UNSIGNED : only stores positive numbers (or zero). SIGNED : can store negative numbers. Notice that with UNSIGNED , you're essentially giving yourself twice as much space for the integer since you explicitly specify you don't need negative numbers.

What is the use of unsigned in MySQL?

The “unsigned” in MySQL is a data type. Whenever we write an unsigned to any column that means you cannot insert negative numbers. Suppose, for a very large number you can use unsigned type. The maximum range with unsigned int is 4294967295.

UNSIGNED only stores positive numbers (or zero). On the other hand, signed can store negative numbers (i.e., may have a negative sign).

Here's a table of the ranges of values each INTEGER type can store:

MySQL INTEGER types and lengths
Source: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/integer-types.html

UNSIGNED ranges from 0 to n, while signed ranges from about -n/2 to n/2.

In this case, you have an AUTO_INCREMENT ID column, so you would not have negatives. Thus, use UNSIGNED. If you do not use UNSIGNED for the AUTO_INCREMENT column, your maximum possible value will be half as high (and the negative half of the value range would go unused).

Use UNSIGNED for non-negative integers.

Basically with UNSIGNED, you're giving yourself twice as much space for the integer since you explicitly specify you don't need negative numbers (usually because values you store will never be negative).

For negative integer value, SIGNED is used and for non-negative integer value, UNSIGNED is used. It always suggested to use UNSIGNED for id as a PRIMARY KEY.

I don't not agree with vipin cp.

The true is that first bit is used for represent the sign. But 1 is for negative and 0 is for positive values. More over negative values are coded in different way (two's complement). Example with TINYINT:

The sign bit
1000 0000b = -128d  
1111 1101b = -3d  
1111 1110b = -2d  
1111 1111b = -1d  

0000 0000b = 0d  
0000 0001b = 1d  
0000 0010b = 2d  
0111 1111b = 127d