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MySQL: looking to SUM these UNIONs together

OK, my head hurts...!

This beautiful MySQL query:

(SELECT mtwitterfollowers AS twitfollow FROM `media` WHERE media.id=1)
(SELECT SUM(twitterfollowers) AS twitfollow FROM people LEFT JOIN peoplejoin ON peoplejoin.people_id = people.id LEFT JOIN positions ON position_id = positions.id WHERE peoplejoin.media_id = 1)
(SELECT SUM(twitterfollowers) AS twitfollow FROM people LEFT JOIN peoplejoin ON peoplejoin.people_id = people.id LEFT JOIN networkjoin ON networkjoin.network_id = peoplejoin.network_id LEFT JOIN positions ON position_id = positions.id WHERE networkjoin.media_id = 1)

...returns three rows of pretty numbers.

Ideally, I'd like this query to return all three "twitfollow" results, SUMmed together.

However, putting a SUM round them gives me an error about "every derived table must have its own alias", and I'm a little confused as to quite how to do solve that.

(Of course, I could just sum the results in PHP; but I am assuming that it's quicker to do this using the MySQL server. Would I be right?)

like image 538
jamescridland Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 11:02


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MySQL Union is an operator that allows us to combine two or more results from multiple SELECT queries into a single result set. It comes with a default feature that removes the duplicate rows from the result set.

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Basic rules for combining two or more queries using UNIONnumber of columns and order of columns of all queries must be same. 2.) the data types of the columns on involving table in each query must be same or compatible.

1 Answers

Use your entire query as the FROM clause of another query:

SELECT SUM(twitfollow) FROM (
    (SELECT mtwitterfollowers AS twitfollow FROM `media` WHERE media.id=1)
    (SELECT SUM(twitterfollowers) AS twitfollow FROM people LEFT JOIN peoplejoin ON peoplejoin.people_id = people.id LEFT JOIN positions ON position_id = positions.id WHERE peoplejoin.media_id = 1)
    (SELECT SUM(twitterfollowers) AS twitfollow FROM people LEFT JOIN peoplejoin ON peoplejoin.people_id = people.id LEFT JOIN networkjoin ON networkjoin.network_id = peoplejoin.network_id LEFT JOIN positions ON position_id = positions.id WHERE networkjoin.media_id = 1)
) t1

I also changed your UNION to UNION ALL as you probably don't want to remove rows just because the sum from one table is equal to the sum from another table.

like image 158
Dan Grossman Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10

Dan Grossman