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MySQL - Join tables, retrieve only Max ID

I've seen solutions for something similar on other posts, but I've been having an issue applying it to my specific problem.

Here is my initial join:

SELECT service_note_task, comment_id, comment FROM service_note_task LEFT JOIN service_note_task_comments ON service_note_task.service_note_task_id = service_note_task_comments.service_note_task_id;  

Which results in:

| service_note_task           | comment_id | comment      |
| This is service note task 3 |         25 | Comment      |
| This is service note task 3 |         26 | Comment Blah |
| This is service note task 3 |         36 | aaa          |
| This is service note task 2 |         13 | Awesome comm |
| This is service note task 1 |         12 | Cool Comm    |

But for each service_note_task, I really only need one row representing the comment with the highest comment_id, like this:

| service_note_task           | comment_id | comment      |
| This is service note task 3 |         36 | aaa          |
| This is service note task 2 |         13 | Awesome comm |
| This is service note task 1 |         12 | Cool Comm    |

I figure I could use MAX in a sub-select statement to narrow down the results as I want them. How can I incorporate that into my statement to get these results?

like image 304
jwBurnside Avatar asked Feb 08 '13 15:02


People also ask

How do you join two tables without losing info?

To join two tables based on a column match without loosing any of the data from the left table, you would use a LEFT OUTER JOIN. Left outer joins are used when you want to get all the values from one table but only the records that match the left table from the right table.

What is Max ID in MySQL?

MySQL supports two-byte collation IDs. The range of IDs from 1024 to 2047 is reserved for user-defined collations.

What is the maximum number of tables that can be used in joins?

The maximum number of tables that can be referenced in a single join is 61.

Can we join 2 tables without on condition?

Yes, you can! The longer answer is yes, there are a few ways to combine two tables without a common column, including CROSS JOIN (Cartesian product) and UNION. The latter is technically not a join but can be handy for merging tables in SQL.

2 Answers

For reference, this is known as "groupwise-maximum"


like image 99
Matt Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11



SELECT service_note_task, comment_id, comment 
FROM service_note_task SNT1 
LEFT JOIN service_note_task_comments ON service_note_task.service_note_task_id = service_note_task_comments.service_note_task_id
WHERE comment_id = (SELECT MAX(comment_id) FROM  service_note_task SNT2 WHERE SNT1.service_note_task = SNT2.service_note_task);
like image 26
Euclides Mulémbwè Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11

Euclides Mulémbwè