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MySQL has gone away: Connection_errors_peer_address with high numbers

We have MySQL 5.7 master - slaves replications and on the slave servers side, it hapens from time to time that our application monitoring tools (Tideways and PHP7.0) are reporting

MySQL has gone away.

Checking the MYSQL side:

show global status like '%Connection%';

| Variable_name                     | Value    |
| Connection_errors_accept          | 0        |
| Connection_errors_internal        | 0        |
| Connection_errors_max_connections | 0        |
| Connection_errors_peer_address    | 323      |
| Connection_errors_select          | 0        |
| Connection_errors_tcpwrap         | 0        |
| Connections                       | 55210496 |
| Max_used_connections              | 387      |
| Slave_connections                 | 0        |

The Connection_errors_peer_address shows 323. How to further investigate on what is causing this issue on both sides:

MySQL has gone away




Master Server

net_retry_count = 10 
net_read_timeout = 120 
net_write_timeout = 120 
skip_networking = OFF
Aborted_clients = 151650

Slave Server 1

net_retry_count = 10
net_read_timeout = 30 
net_write_timeout = 60 
skip_networking = OFF
Aborted_clients = 3

Slave Server 2

net_retry_count = 10
net_read_timeout = 30 
net_write_timeout = 60 
skip_networking = OFF
Aborted_clients = 3
like image 804
Milos Cuculovic Avatar asked Sep 25 '18 11:09

Milos Cuculovic

1 Answers

In MySQL 5.7, when a new TCP/IP connection reaches the server, the server performs several checks, implemented in sql/sql_connect.cc in function check_connection()

One of these checks is to get the IP address of the client side connection, as in:

static int check_connection(THD *thd)
  if (!thd->m_main_security_ctx.host().length)     // If TCP/IP connection
    peer_rc= vio_peer_addr(net->vio, ip, &thd->peer_port, NI_MAXHOST);
    if (peer_rc)
        Since we can not even get the peer IP address,
        there is nothing to show in the host_cache,
        so increment the global status variable for peer address errors.
      my_error(ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR, MYF(0));
      return 1;

Upon failure, the status variable connection_errors_peer_addr is incremented, and the connection is rejected.

vio_peer_addr() is implemented in vio/viosocket.c (code simplified to show only the important calls)

my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio *vio, char *ip_buffer, uint16 *port,
                      size_t ip_buffer_size)
  if (vio->localhost)
    /* Get sockaddr by socked fd. */

    err_code= mysql_socket_getpeername(vio->mysql_socket, addr, &addr_length);

    if (err_code)
      DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("getpeername() gave error: %d", socket_errno));

    /* Normalize IP address. */

    vio_get_normalized_ip(addr, addr_length,
                          (struct sockaddr *) &vio->remote, &vio->addrLen);

    /* Get IP address & port number. */

    err_code= vio_getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &vio->remote,
                              ip_buffer, ip_buffer_size,
                              port_buffer, NI_MAXSERV,
                              NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);

    if (err_code)
      DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("getnameinfo() gave error: %s",

In short, the only failure path in vio_peer_addr() happens when a call to mysql_socket_getpeername() or vio_getnameinfo() fails.

mysql_socket_getpeername() is just a wrapper on top of getpeername().

The man 2 getpeername manual lists the following possible errors:


   getpeername - get name of connected peer socket


   EBADF  The argument sockfd is not a valid descriptor.

   EFAULT The addr argument points to memory not in a valid part of the process address space.

   EINVAL addrlen is invalid (e.g., is negative).

          Insufficient resources were available in the system to perform the operation.

          The socket is not connected.

          The argument sockfd is a file, not a socket.

Of these errors, only ENOBUFS is plausible.

As for vio_getnameinfo(), it is just a wrapper on getnameinfo(), which also according to the man page man 3 getnameinfo can fail for the following reasons:


   getnameinfo - address-to-name translation in protocol-independent manner


          The name could not be resolved at this time.  Try again later.

          The flags argument has an invalid value.

          A nonrecoverable error occurred.

          The address family was not recognized, or the address length was invalid for the specified family.

          Out of memory.

          The name does not resolve for the supplied arguments.  NI_NAMEREQD is set and the host's name cannot be located, or neither 

hostname nor service name were requested.

          The buffer pointed to by host or serv was too small.

          A system error occurred.  The error code can be found in errno.

   The gai_strerror(3) function translates these error codes to a human readable string, suitable for error reporting.

Here many failures can happen, basically due to heavy load or the network.

To understand the process behind this code, what the MySQL server is essentially doing is a Reverse DNS lookup, to:

  • find the hostname of the client
  • find the IP address corresponding to this hostname to later convert this IP address to a hostname again (see the call to ip_to_hostname() that follows).

Overall, failures accounted with Connection_errors_peer_address can be due to system load (causing transient failures like out of memory, etc) or due to network issues affecting DNS.

Disclosure: I happen to be the person who implemented this Connection_errors_peer_address status variable in MySQL, as part of an effort to have better visibility / observability in this area of the code.

[Edit] To follow up with more details and/or guidelines:

  • When Connection_errors_peer_address is incremented, the root cause is not printed in logs. That is unfortunate for troubleshooting, but also avoid flooding logs causing even more damage, there is a tradeoff here. Keep in mind that anything that happen before logging in is very sensitive ...
  • If the server really goes out of memory, it is very likely that many other things will break, and that the server will go down very quickly. By monitoring the total memory usage of mysqld, and monitoring the uptime, it should be fairly easy to determine if the failure "only" caused connections to be closed with the server staying up, or if the server itself failed catastrophically.
  • Assuming the server stays up on failure, the more likely culprit is the second call then, to getnameinfo.
  • Using skip-name-resolve will have no effect, as this check happens later (see specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_RESOLVE in the code in check_connection())
  • When Connection_errors_peer_address fails, note that the server cleanly returns the error ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR to the client, and then closes the socket. This is different from just closing abruptly a socket (like in a crash) : the former should be reported by the client as "Can't get hostname for your address", while the later is reported as "MySQL has gone away".
  • Whether the client connector actually treat ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR and a socket closed differently is another story

Given that this failure overall seems related to DNS lookups, I would check the following items:

  • See how many rows are in the performance_schema.host_cache table.
  • Compare this with the size of the host cache, see the host_cache_size system variable.
  • If the host cache appear full, consider increasing its size: this will reduce the number of DNS calls overall, relieving pressure on DNS, in hope (admittedly, this is just a shot in the dark) that DNS transient failures will disappear.
  • 323 out of 55 million connections indeed seems transient. Assuming the monitoring client sometime do get connected properly, inspect the row in table host_cache for this client: it may contains other failures reported.

Table performance_schema.host_cache documentation:


Further readings:


[Edit 2] Based on the new data available:

The Aborted_clients status variable shows some connections forcefully closed by the server. This typically happens when a session is idle for a very long time.

A typical scenario for this to happen is:

  1. A client opens a connection, and sends some queries
  2. Then the client does nothing for an extended amount of time (greater than the net_read_timeout)
  3. Due to lack of traffic, the server closes the session, and increments Aborted_connects
  4. The client then sends another query, sees a closed connection, and reports "MySQL has gone away"

Note that a client application forgetting to cleanly close sessions will execute 1-3, this could be the case for Aborted_clients on the master. Some cleanup here to fix clients applications using the master would help to decrease resource consumption, as leaving 151650 sessions open to die on timeout has a cost.

A client application executing 1-4 can cause Aborted_clients on the server and MySQL has gone away on the client. The client application reporting "MySQL has gone away" is most likely the culprit here.

If a monitoring application, say, checks the server every N seconds, then make sure the timeouts (here 30 and 60 sec) are significantly greater that N, or the server will kill the monitoring session.

like image 106
Marc Alff Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Marc Alff