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Web development transition from MAMP to Docker

I am new to Docker and I am having a hard time applying its core technology to my present web development. Using MAMP, you just need to download the app, put your PHP/HTML files on /htdocs, start servers, then go to http://localhost:8888/ to see your webapp. Now, using docker, I’m wondering how can I do the same. What I’ve done so far is to pull http, php and mysql images from the Docker Hub.

  1. How can I link these three images together to make them work? Or How should I run them simultaneously?
  2. Where should I put the /htdocs or how can I access it?
  3. MAMP has a phpMyAdmin for database access, does Docker has something like this?

I’m working on a Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.1) with boot2docker v1.4.1 and VirtualBox 4.3.20.

like image 688
xanderlopez Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 08:01


People also ask

Is Docker good for web development?

Docker can help streamline development teams by packaging all code and dependencies like system libraries and settings. Docker is similar to a virtual machine, but much more efficient. Packing up code in a “container” improves application performance and allow the application to run in different environments.

Should I use Docker while developing?

Do Not Use Docker if You Want to Light Up Development and Debugging. Docker was created by developers and for developers. It provides environment stability: a container on the development machine will work exactly the same on staging, production, or any other environment.

Can you use Docker as a development environment?

Docker is a great way to provide consistent development environments. It will allow us to run each of our services and UI in a container. We'll also set up things so that we can develop locally and start our dependencies with one docker command.

How does Docker help local development?

Docker helps to ensure that all the developers have access to all the necessary bits and pieces of the software they work on. So if someone adds software dependencies, everyone has them when needed. If it is just one developer, there is no such need.

1 Answers

You can now use docker-compose and a docker-compose.yml file to accomplish the same thing as fig.

Finding containers for each service and linking them together isn't the easiest thing. The docker-compose file from The damp github project (pasted below for posterity) is a good start for how to get the apache, php, and mysql services all running with a docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up command.

    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
    ports: ['80:80']
    volumes: ['/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro']
    environment: [DEFAULT_HOST=damp.dev]
    image: 'mysql:5.7'
    ports: ['3306:3306']
    environment: [MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password]
    image: corbinu/docker-phpmyadmin
    links: ['database:mysql']
    environment: [MYSQL_USERNAME=root, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password, VIRTUAL_HOST=phpmyadmin.damp.dev]
    image: httpd
    volumes: ['~/damp/damp:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs']
    environment: [VIRTUAL_HOST=damp.dev]

Once you do that _and put an entry for damp.dev in your hosts file, anything you mount in ~/damp/damp (per that second to last line) will be put in the htdocs of the docker container and served up on damp.dev/[whatever].

damp is just the first example I found poking around on how to replicate MAMP with docker. The most important thing to note is that you can use docker-compose instead of fig. Compose is based directly on the Fig codebase and is backwards-compatible with Fig applications.

like image 57
elgreg Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
