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mysql group_concat with a count inside?



i have 2 tables, users and follows. table follows has a column named status. I would like to count how many follows each user has grouping by the status.

The query below returns a record for each status type for each user.

SELECT users.name as user_name, f.status, count(f.id) 
FROM users
JOIN application_follows f ON f.user_id = users.id
GROUP BY users.id, f.status
ORDER BY users.id

returns something like:

user_name     status     count

mike          new         10
mike          old         5
tom           new         8
tom           old         9

but i would like something more friendly like:

user_name     status_count

mike          new,10|old,5
tom           new,8|old,9

tried using group_concat and count but didnt work. Any clues?

like image 367
Marcus Mansur Avatar asked Mar 29 '12 22:03

Marcus Mansur

1 Answers

You need to use GROUP BY twice, first on (user_id, status) from follows to get counts then on user_id from joined table to concat:

SELECT users.name, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(f.status, ',', f.cnt) SEPARATOR '|' )
FROM users 
( SELECT user_id, status, count(id) AS cnt
  FROM application_follows
  GROUP BY user_id, status ) f
ON f.user_id = users.id
GROUP BY users.id
like image 104
piotrm Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11
