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Mysql change column details

I am trying to redefine the number of varchars a column can have (in a MySQL db).

I am doing

alter table obj_details IMG_SRC IMG_SRC varchar(180);

I want to change the number of characters that can be used in the column IMG_SRC to 180 (it is currently 100). But I get an error saying that I should check the syntax near IMG_SRC IMG_SRC varchar(180).

like image 362
Ankur Avatar asked May 14 '10 07:05


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2 Answers

Why did you write IMG_SRC twice? You want:

ALTER TABLE obj_details MODIFY IMG_SRC varchar(180);

(For what it's worth the COLUMN in MODIFY COLUMN is optional, see here.)

like image 169
Dominic Rodger Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Dominic Rodger

You're missing MODIFY COLUMN, and you're specifying IMG_SRC twice for some reason.

Try this instead,

like image 37
Rich Adams Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Rich Adams