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add condition to mysql json_arrayagg function



I have a json query that gives me json of a joined table of person and pets:

SELECT json_object(
  'personId', p.id,
  'pets', json_arrayagg(json_object(
    'petId', pt.id,
    'petName', pt.name
FROM person p LEFT JOIN pets pt
ON p.id = pt.person_id
GROUP BY p.id;

my issue is that person can have 0 or more pets, and when a person have 0 pets I get list with 1 empty pet, and what I would like to get in that case is empty list.

this is what I get:

  "personId": 1,
  "pets": [
      "petId": null,
      "petName": ""

and I need:

  "personId": 1,
  "pets": []

is that possible?

like image 903
jack miao Avatar asked Dec 28 '18 00:12

jack miao

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JSON_ARRAYAGG( col_or_expr ) Aggregates a result set as a single JSON array whose elements consist of the rows. The order of elements in this array is undefined. The function acts on a column or an expression that evaluates to a single value. Returns NULL if the result contains no rows, or in the event of an error.

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1 Answers

The problem is that LEFT JOIN still returns columns from the table you're joining with, it just sets their values to NULL.

You can use IF to test COUNT(pt.id), as this won't count null values.

SELECT json_object(
  'personId', p.id,
  'pets', IF(COUNT(pt.id) = 0, JSON_ARRAY(),
                'petId', pt.id,
                'petName', pt.name
FROM person p LEFT JOIN pets pt
ON p.id = pt.person_id
GROUP BY p.id;
like image 150
Barmar Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
