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I'm trying to understand what casting a value to the DATE type in MySQL does. Here are some things I have tried:

SELECT CAST('3' AS DATE); -- null  SELECT CAST(3 AS DATE); -- null  SELECT CAST('2014-07-01 19:00:01' AS DATE); -- 2014-07-01  SELECT DATE('2014-07-01 19:00:01'); -- 2014-07-01  SELECT CAST('2014-07-01' AS DATE); -- 2014-07-01  SELECT DATE('2014-07-01'); -- 2014-07-01  SELECT CAST('2014-07-50' AS DATE); -- null  SELECT DATE('2014-07-50'); -- null  SELECT DATE(''), CAST('' AS DATE), DATE(0), CAST(0 AS DATE); -- null, null, 0000-00-00, 0000-00-00 

Everything I've tried seems to either convert it to null if it's invalid or return the date portion of the string if it's a valid date. I've even tried dates with slashes and other formats, same results.

What's the difference between using the DATE(expr) function and the CAST(expr AS DATE)?

DATE(expr): Extracts the date part of the date or datetime expression expr.

CAST(expr AS type): The CAST() function takes an expression of any type and produces a result value of a specified type, similar to CONVERT()

Similarly, the same question can be asked about times with TIME(expr) and CAST(expr AS TIME).

like image 828
rink.attendant.6 Avatar asked Oct 02 '14 17:10


People also ask

How do you CAST to date?

SELECT CAST ([StringExpression] AS DATE); In this syntax, the CAST is a function, [StringExpression] means the expression of string that is to be converted, AS represents the output in the mentioned data type, and DATE means to represent the string expression in date format.

Can we use CAST function in MySQL?

The MySQL CAST() function is used for converting a value from one datatype to another specific datatype. The CAST() function accepts two parameters which are the value to be converted and the datatype to which the value needs to be converted.

How do I CAST an int in MySQL?

SELECT CAST(yourColumnName AS anyDataType) FROM yourTableName; Apply the above syntax to cast varchar to int. mysql> SELECT CAST(Value AS UNSIGNED) FROM VarchartointDemo; The following is the output.

1 Answers

Checking the source code of MySQL 5.6 CAST() and CONVERT() calls to the same internal function Item_date_typecast, DATE() calls to Item_date_typecast too.

In conclusion there is no difference between DATE(expr) function and the CAST(expr AS DATE).




like image 57
Ivan Cachicatari Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10

Ivan Cachicatari