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Capitalize first letter of each word, in existing table

I have an existing table 'people_table', with a field full_name.

Many records have the 'full_name' field populated with incorrect casing. e.g. 'fred Jones' or 'fred jones' or 'Fred jones'.

I can find these errant entries with:

SELECT * FROM people_table WHERE full_name REGEXP BINARY '^[a-z]';

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word found? e.g. 'fred jones' becomes 'Fred Jones'.

like image 698
SirRatty Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 03:07


People also ask

How do you capitalize the first letter of each word?

To use a keyboard shortcut to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, select the text and press SHIFT + F3 until the case you want is applied.

How do I make the first letter of each word capital in SQL?

Use the INITCAP() function to convert a string to a new string that capitalizes the first letter of every word. All other letters will be lowercase. This function takes one parameter as a string and changes the capitalization for each word as described.

How do I make the first letter of each word capital in Excel?

In cell B2, type =PROPER(A2), then press Enter. This formula converts the name in cell A2 from uppercase to proper case. To convert the text to lowercase, type =LOWER(A2) instead. Use =UPPER(A2) in cases where you need to convert text to uppercase, replacing A2 with the appropriate cell reference.

Do you capitalize all words in a table title?

Write out a full term in the title if its abbreviation is not very common. a table or figure title or heading, or in the table or figure itself. (capitalize all proper nouns, pronouns, and verbs and all words of four letters or more).

3 Answers

There's no MySQL function to do that, you have to write your own. In the following link there's an implementation:


In order to use it, first you need to create the function in the database. You can do this, for example, using MySQL Query Browser (right-click the database name and select Create new Function).

After creating the function, you can update the values in the table with a query like this:

UPDATE users SET name = CAP_FIRST(name);
like image 60
Vinicius Pinto Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10

Vinicius Pinto

If you need to run it just one time, and you don't want to create a function, you can do something really-harcoded as:

UPDATE people_table SET full_name = LOWER(full_name);
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTR(full_name,1,1)),LOWER(SUBSTR(full_name,2)));
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' a',' A');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' b',' B');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' c',' C');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' d',' D');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' e',' E');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' f',' F');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' g',' G');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' h',' H');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' i',' I');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' j',' J');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' k',' K');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' l',' L');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' m',' M');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' n',' N');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' o',' O');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' p',' P');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' q',' Q');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' r',' R');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' s',' S');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' t',' T');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' u',' U');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' v',' V');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' w',' W');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' x',' X');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' y',' Y');
UPDATE people_table SET full_name = REPLACE(full_name,' z',' Z');
like image 29
glerendegui Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


If you want to capitalize all words, it will be needed to invoke a custom function.

-- may help:
-- DROP function if exists capitalize;

CREATE FUNCTION `capitalize`(s varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) 
  declare c int;
  declare x varchar(255);
  declare y varchar(255);
  declare z varchar(255);

  set x = UPPER( SUBSTRING( s, 1, 1));
  set y = SUBSTR( s, 2);
  set c = instr( y, ' ');

  while c > 0
      set z = SUBSTR( y, 1, c);
      set x = CONCAT( x, z);
      set z = UPPER( SUBSTR( y, c+1, 1));
      set x = CONCAT( x, z);
      set y = SUBSTR( y, c+2);
      set c = INSTR( y, ' ');     
  end while;
  set x = CONCAT(x, y);
  return x;


Now you do this way:

 UPDATE mytable SET thefield = capitalize(thefield);
like image 28
Sergio Abreu Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Sergio Abreu