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mypy, type hint: Union[float, int] -> is there a Number type?

mypy is really handy and catches a lot of bugs, but when I write "scientific" applications, I often end up doing:

def my_func(number: Union[float, int]):     # Do something 

number is either a float or int, depending on the user's input. Is there an official way to do that?

like image 854
JPFrancoia Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 12:06


People also ask

What is a type hint?

PEP 484 introduced type hints — a way to make Python feel statically typed. While type hints can help structure your projects better, they are just that — hints — and by default do not affect the runtime.

What is Python union type?

Union type; Union[X, Y] is equivalent to X | Y and means either X or Y. To define a union, use e.g. Union[int, str] or the shorthand int | str . Using that shorthand is recommended.

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The purpose of the Any type is to indicate to the type checker that a part of the program should not be checked. A variable (or function parameter) that is annotated with the Any type accepts any value, and the type checker allows any operation on it.

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List. Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Lists are one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are Tuple, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage.

2 Answers

You can define your own type to address this and keep your code cleaner.

FloatInt = Union[float, int]  def my_func(number: FloatInt):     # Do something 
like image 31
Curt Welch Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Curt Welch

Use float only, as int is implied in that type:

def my_func(number: float): 

PEP 484 Type Hints specifically states that:

Rather than requiring that users write import numbers and then use numbers.Float etc., this PEP proposes a straightforward shortcut that is almost as effective: when an argument is annotated as having type float, an argument of type int is acceptable; similar, for an argument annotated as having type complex, arguments of type float or int are acceptable.

(Bold emphasis mine).

Ideally you would still use numbers.Real:

from numbers import Real  def my_func(number: Real): 

as that would accept fractions.Fraction() and decimal.Decimal() objects as well; the number pyramid is broader than just integers and floating point values.

However, these are not currently working when using mypy to do your type checking, see Mypy #3186.

like image 150
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Martijn Pieters