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My own OCR-program in Python

I am still a beginner but I want to write a character-recognition-program. This program isn't ready yet. And I edited a lot, therefor the comments may not match exactly. I will use the 8-connectivity for the connected component labeling.

from PIL import Image import numpy as np  im = Image.open("D:\\Python26\\PYTHON-PROGRAMME\\bild_schrift.jpg")  w,h = im.size w = int(w) h = int(h)  #2D-Array for area area = [] for x in range(w):     area.append([])     for y in range(h):         area[x].append(2) #number 0 is white, number 1 is black  #2D-Array for letter letter = [] for x in range(50):     letter.append([])     for y in range(50):         letter[x].append(0)  #2D-Array for label label = [] for x in range(50):     label.append([])     for y in range(50):         label[x].append(0)  #image to number conversion pix = im.load() threshold = 200 for x in range(w):     for y in range(h):         aaa = pix[x, y]         bbb = aaa[0] + aaa[1] + aaa[2] #total value         if bbb<=threshold:             area[x][y] = 1         if bbb>threshold:             area[x][y] = 0 np.set_printoptions(threshold='nan', linewidth=10)  #matrix transponation ccc = np.array(area)  area = ccc.T #better solution?  #find all black pixel and set temporary label numbers i=1 for x in range(40): # width (later)     for y in range(40): # heigth (later)         if area[x][y]==1:             letter[x][y]=1             label[x][y]=i             i += 1  #connected components labeling for x in range(40): # width (later)     for y in range(40): # heigth (later)         if area[x][y]==1:             label[x][y]=i             #if pixel has neighbour:             if area[x][y+1]==1:                 #pixel and neighbour get the lowest label                              pass # tomorrows work             if area[x+1][y]==1:                 #pixel and neighbour get the lowest label                              pass # tomorrows work                         #should i also compare pixel and left neighbour?  #find width of the letter #find height of the letter #find the middle of the letter #middle = [width/2][height/2] #? #divide letter into 30 parts --> 5 x 6 array  #model letter #letter A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (maybe more)  #compare each of the 30 parts of the letter with all model letters #make a weighting  #print(letter)  im.save("D:\\Python26\\PYTHON-PROGRAMME\\bild2.jpg") print('done') 
like image 782
kame Avatar asked Jan 01 '10 23:01


People also ask

How do I create an OCR in Python?

Building an Optical Character Recognition in Python We first need to make a class using “pytesseract”. This class will enable us to import images and scan them. In the process it will output files with the extension “ocr.py”. Let us see the below code.

Can Python be used for OCR?

OCR with Pytesseract and OpenCV. Pytesseract or Python-tesseract is an OCR tool for python that also serves as a wrapper for the Tesseract-OCR Engine. It can read and recognize text in images and is commonly used in python ocr image to text use cases.

1 Answers

OCR is not an easy task indeed. That's why text CAPTCHAs still work :)

To talk only about the letter extraction and not the pattern recognition, the technique you are using to separate the letters is called Connected Component Labeling. Since you are asking for a more efficient way to do this, try to implement the two-pass algorithm that's described in this article. Another description can be found in the article Blob extraction.

EDIT: Here's the implementation for the algorithm that I have suggested:

import sys from PIL import Image, ImageDraw  class Region():     def __init__(self, x, y):         self._pixels = [(x, y)]         self._min_x = x         self._max_x = x         self._min_y = y         self._max_y = y      def add(self, x, y):         self._pixels.append((x, y))         self._min_x = min(self._min_x, x)         self._max_x = max(self._max_x, x)         self._min_y = min(self._min_y, y)         self._max_y = max(self._max_y, y)      def box(self):         return [(self._min_x, self._min_y), (self._max_x, self._max_y)]  def find_regions(im):     width, height  = im.size     regions = {}     pixel_region = [[0 for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]     equivalences = {}     n_regions = 0     #first pass. find regions.     for x in xrange(width):         for y in xrange(height):             #look for a black pixel             if im.getpixel((x, y)) == (0, 0, 0, 255): #BLACK                 # get the region number from north or west                 # or create new region                 region_n = pixel_region[x-1][y] if x > 0 else 0                 region_w = pixel_region[x][y-1] if y > 0 else 0                  max_region = max(region_n, region_w)                  if max_region > 0:                     #a neighbour already has a region                     #new region is the smallest > 0                     new_region = min(filter(lambda i: i > 0, (region_n, region_w)))                     #update equivalences                     if max_region > new_region:                         if max_region in equivalences:                             equivalences[max_region].add(new_region)                         else:                             equivalences[max_region] = set((new_region, ))                 else:                     n_regions += 1                     new_region = n_regions                  pixel_region[x][y] = new_region      #Scan image again, assigning all equivalent regions the same region value.     for x in xrange(width):         for y in xrange(height):                 r = pixel_region[x][y]                 if r > 0:                     while r in equivalences:                         r = min(equivalences[r])                      if not r in regions:                         regions[r] = Region(x, y)                     else:                         regions[r].add(x, y)      return list(regions.itervalues())  def main():     im = Image.open(r"c:\users\personal\py\ocr\test.png")     regions = find_regions(im)     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)     for r in regions:         draw.rectangle(r.box(), outline=(255, 0, 0))     del draw      #im.show()     output = file("output.png", "wb")     im.save(output)     output.close()  if __name__ == "__main__":     main() 

It's not 100% perfect, but since you are doing this only for learning purposes, it may be a good starting point. With the bounding box of each character you can now use a neural network as others have suggested here.

like image 136
jbochi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
