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My current location always returns null. How can I fix this?

I am trying to find my current location for an android project. When the application is loaded my current location is always null. I have set up the permissions in the manifest etc. When I find the current location I intend to use the coordinates to find distances to other locations on the map. My code snippet is below. Why do I always get a null value?

locMan = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);          
Criteria crit = new Criteria();     
towers = locMan.getBestProvider(crit, false);
location = locMan.getLastKnownLocation(towers);    

if (location != null) {                 
    System.out.println("Location is not null!");
    lat = (int) (location.getLatitude() *1E6);
    longi = (int) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6);
    GeoPoint ourLocation = new GeoPoint(lati, longi);
    OverlayItem overlayItem = new OverlayItem(ourLocation, "1st String",
                                                            "2nd String");
    CustomPinpoint custom = new CustomPinpoint(d, MainMap.this);
} else {
   System.out.println("Location is null! " + towers);
   Toast.makeText(MainMap.this, "Couldn't get provider",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
like image 803
devinefergal Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 13:03


People also ask

Why does getlastknownlocation() return null?

getLastKnownLocation() uses the location(s) previously found by other applications. if no application has done this, then getLastKnownLocation() will return null.

Why am I getting a null when I try to access cache?

You are trying to get the cached location from the Network Provider. You have to wait for a few minutes till you get a valid fix. Since the Network Provider's cache is empty, you are obviously getting a null there.. Show activity on this post.

How to fix Google Maps not finding your location?

Tap on it and from the menu, tap “Nothing” to disable the feature as well as the spoofing app. If you are worried that Google maps is not finding your location, check whether your Google Maps and Google Play Services are updated or not. These two services are interconnected by the Google servers and hence need to be checked if outdated.

How to get the last known location of an application?

getLastKnownLocation () uses the location (s) previously found by other applications. if no application has done this, then getLastKnownLocation () will return null. one thing you can do to your code to have a better chance at getting as last known location- iterate over all of the enabled providers, not just the best provider. for example,

2 Answers

getLastKnownLocation() uses the location(s) previously found by other applications. if no application has done this, then getLastKnownLocation() will return null.

One thing you can do to your code to have a better chance at getting as last known location- iterate over all of the enabled providers, not just the best provider. For example,

private Location getLastKnownLocation() {
    List<String> providers = mLocationManager.getProviders(true);
    Location bestLocation = null;
    for (String provider : providers) {
        Location l = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
        ALog.d("last known location, provider: %s, location: %s", provider,

        if (l == null) {
        if (bestLocation == null
                || l.getAccuracy() < bestLocation.getAccuracy()) {
            ALog.d("found best last known location: %s", l);
            bestLocation = l;
    if (bestLocation == null) {
        return null;
    return bestLocation;

If your app can't deal without having a location, and if there's no last known location, you will need to listen for location updates. You can take a look at this class for an example,


See the method onStartCommand(), where it checks if the network provider is enabled. If not, it uses last known location. If it is enabled, it registers to receive location updates.

like image 155
Jeffrey Blattman Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

Jeffrey Blattman

if u find current location of devices the use following method in main class

public void find_Location(Context con) {
    Log.d("Find Location", "in find_location");
    this.con = con;
    String location_context = Context.LOCATION_SERVICE;
    locationManager = (LocationManager) con.getSystemService(location_context);
    List<String> providers = locationManager.getProviders(true);
    for (String provider : providers) {
        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 1000, 0,
            new LocationListener() {

                public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {}

                public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}

                public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}

                public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,
                        Bundle extras) {}
        Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
        if (location != null) {
            latitude = location.getLatitude();
            longitude = location.getLongitude();
            addr = ConvertPointToLocation(latitude, longitude);
            String temp_c = SendToUrl(addr);

And Add User Permission method in your manifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
like image 36
Akash Singh Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Akash Singh