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How do I use Rack::Proxy within Rails to proxy requests to a specific path to another app


I found this great blog post on how to use Rack::Proxy as a separate proxy app. The article explains how he uses Rack::Proxy to proxy requests to http://localhost:3000 to an app on port 3001 and requests to http://localhost:3000/api to an app on port 3002. I want to do the same thing, but I do not want to create a separate proxy app. Instead, I want my main Rails app to proxy requests to /blog to a different app.

Blog Post: http://livsey.org/blog/2012/02/23/using-rack-proxy-to-serve-multiple-rails-apps-from-the-same-domain-and-port/

like image 767
John Avatar asked Jun 15 '12 20:06


1 Answers

FWIW, I also just tackled this problem. Some may find the full code helpful, as I needed more than you posted:

# lib/proxy_to_other.rb class ProxyToOther < Rack::Proxy   def initialize(app)     @app = app   end    def call(env)     original_host = env["HTTP_HOST"]     rewrite_env(env)     if env["HTTP_HOST"] != original_host       perform_request(env)     else       # just regular       @app.call(env)     end   end    def rewrite_env(env)     request = Rack::Request.new(env)     if request.path =~ %r{^/prefix|^/other_prefix}       # do nothing     else       env["HTTP_HOST"] = "localhost:3000"     end     env   end end 


# config/application.rb # ...snip ... module MyApplication   class Application < Rails::Application     # Custom Rack middlewares     config.middleware.use "ProxyToOther" if ["development", "test"].include? Rails.env #...snip.... 

This assumes your app you want to proxy some requests to is running on port 3001. I daresay the app you're hitting can be run on any port. This also assumes you only want to do the proxying in development and test environments, because you'll have a 'real' solution in production & staging (eg, nginx or a loadbalancer doing the proper thing).

like image 55
steve Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
