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My app updates won't show in the google play store

I'm trying to update an app in the google play store. The google developer FAQ says it can take up to 24 hours after publishing before it's visable. I updated an apk and the store description 26+ hours ago, then again about 22 hours ago and another new version around 6 hours ago. But when I visit the store I still see an old version from 3 days ago and the old description. When I release new versions in such a short period, does it mean the checking/review will be reset and only the last one will be published, or will every version be available in the submitted order when they are ready?

Update: It's now "on the line". It seems when you push updates very fast they will not be shown, because the review process will always start from the beginning. So you should consider to wait after every update until it's shown. Or Google just had some problems these days.

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cubei Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 17:02


1 Answers

It looks google might have introduced new internal system of updating new version. My app was published 2 days ago but still not showing the latest version in play store, though I got email that my update is live within 1 hour.

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Abhijit Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 20:10
