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MVC6 EF7 Viewcomponent ajax refresh issues

In reference to Viewcomponent alternative for ajax refresh. I can't get the ajax to refresh in MVC6. The JavaScript container finds the Div value but the data is not updating. Any ideas would be appreciated!

ViewComponent - Default.cshtml:

@model IEnumerable<My.Models.Queue>
@foreach (var item in Model)


<div id="Queue" class="blink">@Component.Invoke("Queue")</div>


var container = document.getElementById("Queue");
var refreshComponent = function () {
$.get("Shared/Components/Queue", function (data) { container[data]; });};
$(function () { window.setInterval(refreshComponent, 1000); });
like image 413
dmli Avatar asked Feb 10 '16 19:02


1 Answers

You can't make Ajax request directly to the ViewComponent, but you can invoke it from any Controller's method like it's described in post that you mentioned in your question.

So you should create a simple Controller's method like:

public IActionResult QueueViewComponent()
    return ViewComponent("QueueViewComponent");

And call it from your JavaScript:

var container = $("#queueComponentContainer");
var refreshComponent = function () {
    $.get("/Home/QueueViewComponent", function (data) { container.html(data); });

$(function () { window.setInterval(refreshComponent, 1000); });

Where the Home is a Controller's name of your newly created method.

like image 105
Viktor Balykhin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 03:11

Viktor Balykhin