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MVC Views from Database



I am building an ASP.Net MVC 2 application for a client and it requires the ability for user to define views. On this website it shows how to do this - http://www.umbraworks.net/bl0g/rebuildall/2009/11/17/ASP_NET_MVC_and_virtual_views , but I ran into a few comments there and elsewhere that this was a bad idea. What would be the best way to accomplish allowing users to define the whole page? Also, why is the database a bad idea? Thanks.


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Wade73 Avatar asked Oct 31 '10 10:10


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1 Answers

Well if you can write the application using MVC 3 Beta instead of MVC 2 you can use this technique:


You can store your "View" as string in the database then just pull it out and pass it to the parse engine and you are all set.

It works great.

like image 182
Jim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
