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MVC Attributes on Controllers and Actions




Is there a way to add an Attribute on the Controller level but not on a specific action. For example say if i had 10 Actions in my Controller and just 1 of those Actions does not require a specific attribute I created.

public class MyController : Controller
    public ActionResult Action1() {}
    public ActionResult Action2() {}

    public ActionResult Action3() {}

I could potentially move this Action into another controller (but dont like that) or I could apply the MyAttribute to all actions except from Action3 but just thought if there is an easier way?

like image 675
David Avatar asked May 13 '09 10:05


1 Answers

I know my answer is a little late (almost four years) to the game, but I came across this question and wanted to share a solution I devised that allows me to do pretty much what the original question wanted to do, in case it helps anyone else in the future.

The solution involves a little gem called AttributeUsage, which allows us to specify an attribute on the controller (and even any base controllers!) and then override (ignore/remove) on individual actions or sub-controllers as needed. They will "cascade" down to where only the most granular attribute actually fires: i.e., they go from least-specific (base controllers), to more-specific (derived controllers), to most-specific (action methods).

Here's how:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited=true, AllowMultiple=false)]
public class MyCustomFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute

    private MyCustomFilterMode _Mode = MyCustomFilterMode.Respect;        // this is the default, so don't always have to specify

    public MyCustomFilterAttribute()
    public MyCustomFilterAttribute(MyCustomFilterMode mode)
        _Mode = mode;

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        if (_Mode == MyCustomFilterMode.Ignore)

        // Otherwise, respect the attribute and work your magic here!


public enum MyCustomFilterMode
    Ignore = 0,
    Respect = 1

(I heard you like attributes, so I put some attributes on the attribute! That's really what makes the magic work here at the very top: Allowing them to inherit/cascade, but only allowing one of them to execute.)

Here's how it is used now:

public class MyBaseController : Controller
    // I am the application's base controller with the filter,
    // so any derived controllers will ALSO get the filter (unless they override/Ignore)

public class HomeController : MyBaseController
    // Since I derive from MyBaseController,
    // all of my action methods will also get the filter,
    // unless they specify otherwise!

    public ActionResult FilteredAction1...
    public ActionResult FilteredAction2...

    public ActionResult MyIgnoredAction...    // I am ignoring the filter!


public class SomeSpecialCaseController : MyBaseController
    // Even though I also derive from MyBaseController, I can choose
    // to "opt out" and indicate for everything to be ignored

    public ActionResult IgnoredAction1...
    public ActionResult IgnoredAction2...

    // Whoops! I guess I do need the filter on just one little method here:
    public ActionResult FilteredAction1...


I hope this compiles, I yanked it from some similar code and did a little search-and-replace on it so it may not be perfect.

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Funka Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09
