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MusicXML Division and Duration

I have an MXL file from some test suite in which the first measure says Division is 8 (i.e. 8 units per quarter note).

Measure 4 is in 3/4 time and has the following rest:

    <rest measure="yes"/>

I would expect to see <dot/> here. As 24 divided by 8 is 3, am I supposed to infer that this note should be dotted? Does this mean I'll have to write code for a special case where <dot/> is missing but the note is clearly supposed to be dotted?

I'm confused by this representation. I wish they'd made the type attribute mandatory myself... If anyone could explain how dotted and tuplet durations are supposed to be represented, I'd appreciate it.

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Pez Avatar asked Jan 05 '13 09:01


1 Answers

Yes, there are musicXML experts monitoring this forum :-) A whole measure rest is a symbol on its own. You don't need to/are not allowed to extend it with a dot.

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Bob Hamblok Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Bob Hamblok