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Multiprocessor support for `xz`?



Is there a way to spread xz compression efforts across multiple CPU's? I realize that this doesn't appear possible with xz itself, but are there other utilities that implement the same compression algorithm that would allow more efficient processor utilization? I will be running this in scripts and utility apps on systems with 16+ processors and it would be useful to at least use 4-8 processors to potentially speed up compression rates.

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ylluminate Avatar asked Mar 07 '14 08:03


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1 Answers

Multiprocessor (multithreading) compression support was added to xz in version 5.2, in December 2014.

To enable the functionality, add the -T option, along with either the number of worker threads to spawn, or -T0 to spawn as many CPU's as the OS reports:

xz -T0 big.tar xz -T4 bigish.tar 

The default single threaded operation is equivalent to -T1.

I have found that running it with a couple of hyper-threads less than the total number of hyperthreads on my CPU provides a good balance of responsiveness and compression speed.

† So -T10 on my 6 core, 12 thread workstation.

As scai and Dzenly said in comments

If you want to use this in combination with tar just call export XZ_DEFAULTS="-T 0" before.

or use smth like: XZ_OPT="-2 -T0"

like image 157
Mark Booth Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Mark Booth