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Multiply variable number of arguments

Say I have a variable amount of arguments which I want to multiply together. The first way I think of is a recursive algorithm:

template<typename Head>
u64 Multiply(Head head) const
    return head;

template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
u64 Multiply(Head head, Tail... tail) const
    return head * Multiply(tail...);

But then I saw this trick:

// u32 and u64 are 32 and 64 bit unsigned integers.
template<typename... T>
u64 Multiply(T... args)
    u64 res = 1;
    for (const u32& arg: {args...})
        res *= arg;
    return res;

The second one appears way nicer to me. Easier to read. However, how does this act on performance? Is anything being copied? What does {args...} do in the first place? Is there a better method?

I have access to C++14.

Edit to be clear: It is about run time multiplication, not compile time.

More to be clear: I do not want to compute integers necessarily(although that is my current application), but the algorithm that I found was specialized for integers.

More: Arguments are of the same type. Algorithms without this restriction would be very interesting but maybe for a different question.

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Aart Stuurman Avatar asked Nov 27 '16 18:11

Aart Stuurman

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1 Answers

There are multiple questions asked here:

  1. What's the impact on performance? Dunno. You'll need to measure. Depending on the type of the arguments I can imagine that the compiler entirely optimizes things either way, though: it does know the number of arguments and the types.
  2. What is { args... }? Well, it creates an std::initializer_list<T> for the common type of the arguments (assuming there is one). You may want to use the value with std::common_type_t<T...> instead of a fixed type, though.
  3. Is there a better method? There are a couple of approaches although I could imagine that the compiler actually does rather well with this expansion. The alternative which immediately comes to mind is return (args * ... * 1); which, however, requires C++17. If there is at least one argument the * 1 can be omitted: it is there to avoid a compile-time error if there is an empty list of variadic parameters.
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Dietmar Kühl Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Dietmar Kühl