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Multiply two dataframes condition on another column

I have two dataframes: df1 and df2.


Index date       | X1 | X2 
 0    01-01-2020 | H  | 10   
 1    01-02-2020 | H  | 30   
 2    01-03-2020 | Y  | 15    
 3    01-04-2020 | Y  | 20  


Index | X1 | X2 
 0    | H  | 5   
 1    | Y  | 10 

I want to multiply df1 and df2 when the value on column X1 matches.

Desired result:

Index date       | X1 | X2 
 0    01-01-2020 | H  | 50   
 1    01-02-2020 | H  | 150   
 2    01-03-2020 | Y  | 150    
 3    01-04-2020 | Y  | 200 
like image 310
user2512443 Avatar asked Sep 03 '20 05:09


People also ask

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It is possible to join the different columns is using concat() method. DataFrame: It is dataframe name. axis: 0 refers to the row axis and1 refers the column axis. join: Type of join.

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The mul() method multiplies each value in the DataFrame with a specified value. The specified value must be an object that can be multiplied with the values of the DataFrame.

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Applying an IF condition under an existing DataFrame column. 1 If the number is equal to 0, then change the value to 999. 2 If the number is equal to 5, then change the value to 555 import pandas as pd numbers = {'set_of_numbers': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0,0]} df = pd.

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How to store results under an existing column in a Dataframe?

Alternatively, you may store the results under an existing DataFrame column. For example, let’s say that you created a DataFrame that has 12 numbers, where the last two numbers are zeros: You may then apply the following IF conditions, and then store the results under the existing ‘set_of_numbers’ column:

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You can try to print the data frame and it will show you two columns as: print(data_frame) print (data_frame) print (data_frame) Output: col1 col2 0 10 40 1 20 50 2 30 60. Now you can just use the “*” operator between column one and column two of the data frame as: data_frame["col1*col2"] = data_frame["col1"] * data_frame["col2"]

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2 Answers

Use Series.map for match by X1 and then multiple by X2:

df1['X2'] *= df1['X1'].map(df2.set_index('X1')['X2'])
print (df1)
         date X1   X2
0  01-01-2020  H   50
1  01-02-2020  H  150
2  01-03-2020  Y  150
3  01-04-2020  Y  200

Or use DataFrame.merge with left join:

df1['X2'] *= df2.merge(df1, on='X1', how='left')['X2_x']
print (df1)
         date X1   X2
0  01-01-2020  H   50
1  01-02-2020  H  150
2  01-03-2020  Y  150
3  01-04-2020  Y  200
like image 80
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10


You can set the index on both dataframes and assign the array to df :

df["X2"] = df.set_index("X1").X2.mul(df1.set_index("X1").X2).array


        date    X1  X2
0   01-01-2020  H   50
1   01-02-2020  H   150
2   01-03-2020  Y   150
3   01-04-2020  Y   200
like image 3
sammywemmy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
