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Errors running Pandas Profile Report

I'm trying to run a Profile Report for EDA in conda Jupyter NB, but keep getting errors.
Here is my code thus far:

    import pandas_profiling
    from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport

    profile = ProfileReport(data)


    profile = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(data)

both of which produce:

TypeError: concat() got an unexpected keyword argument 'join_axes'

Research recommended upgrading to Pandas 1.0, which I'm using.

Also tried


AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'profile_report'

Any tips on where I am going wrong?

Addendum...So I finally figured it out. Needed to install latest version of pandas-profiling in conda, which was 202003 version. Too easy.

like image 432
jlbrosnahan Avatar asked Mar 24 '20 21:03


1 Answers

First I tried just running the command !pip install pandas-profiling but still was not working but then I found this !pip install pandas-profiling==2.7.1 command, now it is working for me.

like image 94
Tanmey Rawal Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10

Tanmey Rawal