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Multiply the occurence of each element in a list by 4

I am trying to achieve the following scenario.

enter image description here

I have an oldList and I am trying to multiply the occurences of each element by 4 and put them in a newList by using the Stream API. The size of the oldList is not known and each time, it may appear with a different size.

I have already solved this problem with two traditional loops as follows;

private List< Integer > mapHourlyToQuarterlyBased( final List< Integer > oldList )

   List< Integer > newList = new ArrayList<>();

   for( Integer integer : oldList )
      for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
       newList.add( integer );

   return newList;

but I have learnt the Stream API newly and would like to use it to consolidate my knowledge.

like image 963
Ad Infinitum Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 10:08

Ad Infinitum

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1 Answers

You could use a flatMap to produce a Stream of 4 elements from each element of the original List and then generate a single Stream of all these elements.

List<Integer> mapHourlyToQuarterlyBased =
           .flatMap(i -> Collections.nCopies(4, i).stream())
like image 182
Eran Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10
