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Multiple reCAPTCHAs in one ASP.Net page

It is possible to add multiple reCAPTCHAS in one form? I tried doing so, even giving the multiple reCAPTCHAS different IDs, but when I load the page in the browser, only one of them is shown.

Is this by design? I need the two reCAPTCHAS because one is for Login, and the other one is for the Register form, which will be shown on the same page.

Thanks! WT

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Donnie Thomas Avatar asked Jun 23 '09 18:06

Donnie Thomas

4 Answers

Only one Cpatcha is supported in a page at any time. What you can do is use AJAX and lod captcha after the form is loaded.

This might of some help.

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Shoban Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 16:11


After a quick google search, it appears that it's not currently possible. One suggestion I saw was to pop up a modal recaptcha just as the user submits the form. ondemandcaptcha for Ruby.

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Greg Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11


I was initially lead by this thread to believe there is no simple answer, but after digging through the Recaptcha ajax library I can tell you this isn't true! TLDR, working jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Vanit/Qu6kn/

It's possible to overwrite the Recaptcha callbacks to do whatever you want with the challenge. You don't even need a proxy div because with the overwrites the DOM code won't execute. Call Recaptcha.reload() whenever you want to trigger the callbacks again.

function doSomething(challenge){
    $('img.recaptcha').attr('src', '//www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c='+challenge);

//Called on Recaptcha.reload()
Recaptcha.finish_reload = function(challenge,b,c){

//Called on page load
Recaptcha.challenge_callback = function(){

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Vanit Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 16:11


It is now possible to do this easily with explicit recaptcha creation. See my answer here:

How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?

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Hüseyin Yağlı Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 14:11

Hüseyin Yağlı