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Find cause of Redirect in ASP.NET?

I'm trying to put in an exception in my web.config so that one page does not require authentication. However, it still redirects to the login page.

The question isn't how to setup the web.config. Why? Our system (for better or worse) has a bunch of instrumentation besides the web.config. We have global.asax and custom HttpHandlers. The code base isn't huge, but there's a lot of potential causes for the redirect.

What I do want to know is how to best determine the cause of the redirect. Is there some way to find out what code triggered the redirect?

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Larsenal Avatar asked Nov 18 '08 18:11


People also ask

When to use RedirectToAction?

RedirectToAction makes a new requests and URL in the browser's address bar is updated with the generated URL by MVC. Between RedirectToAction and Redirect, best practice is to use RedirectToAction for anything dealing with your application actions/controllers.

What is difference between Redirect and RedirectToAction?

RedirectToAction is meant for doing 302 redirects within your application and gives you an easier way to work with your route table. Redirect is meant for doing 302 redirects to everything else, specifically external URLs, but you can still redirect within your application, you just have to construct the URLs yourself.

How does RedirectToAction work?

The RedirectToAction() Method This method is used to redirect to specified action instead of rendering the HTML. In this case, the browser receives the redirect notification and make a new request for the specified action. This acts just like as Response.

What does RedirectToAction do in mvc?

RedirectToAction(String, String, Object) Redirects to the specified action using the action name, controller name, and route dictionary.

1 Answers

If you can debug the app, starting from HttpApplication.BeginRequest in global.asax and stepping through System.Web's reference source would be the brute force way.

Alternatively, set a breakpoint on HttpResponse.Redirect(string, bool) and follow the call stack - I doubt there's any other ways that the runtime uses to redirect a request.

If that doesn't turn anything up (or you can't debug), and since the brute force method is likely to lead through a lot of code - and it seems your problem is security related - you could probably just hook HttpApplication. AuthenticateRequest and HttpApplication. AuthorizeRequest, (and it's associated Post* events) and seeing what things look like there.

If you're using Forms Authentication, I happen to know that the FormsAuthenticationModule looks for a status code of 401 at HttpApplication.EndRequest to decide whether to redirect the request. Anything that sets 401 (access denied) will result in a redirect - not the 401 being returned to the browser.

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Mark Brackett Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Mark Brackett