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Multiple PreConditions



I am implementing a changeset in Liquibase that needs a few different preconditions to be valid before it attempts to run.

Scenario #1: If table A,B,C exists, mark as ran

Scenario #2: If table X,Y,Z doesn't exist, halt execution of changeset

In other words, I need two <preConditions> tags with different onFail clauses. Is this at all allowed in Liquibase? I can't seem to make it work. The docs aren't very informative.

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Kris Selbekk Avatar asked Sep 18 '13 07:09

Kris Selbekk

3 Answers

It is not allowed currently. There can be just one block.

Would it work to break it up into two separate changeSets?

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Nathan Voxland Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 01:11

Nathan Voxland

A workaround that I've simply used:

  • create a normal precondition

    <!-- pre-condition tests -->
    <preConditions onFail="WARN">
            <runningAs username="${db.maintenance.user}" />
  • create an empty changeSet for another onFail level

    <changeSet id="liquibase-pre-1" author="liquibase" runAlways="true" runOnChange="true" runInTransaction="false">
        <preConditions onFail="HALT" onFailMessage="...">
            <!-- ... -->
            select 1 <!-- (Postgresql) or "select 1 from dual" (Oracle) -->
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gudepier Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11


Combine them with <or> or <and> like this:

        <runningAs username="liquibase" />
        <runningAs username="sa" />

Here is some documentation on preConditions.

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Jens Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11
