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Multiple many-to-one joins on same column erroneously results in SELECT being performed




I have a class which looks like this:

[Class(Table = "SessionReportSummaries", Mutable = false)]
public class SessionReportSummaries
    [ManyToOne(Column = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]
    public Client Client { get; private set; }

    [ManyToOne(Column = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]
    public ClientReportSummary ClientReportSummary { get; private set; }

The SessionReportSummaries view has a ClientId column, and I’m trying to join both a Client object and a ClientReportSummary object using this column.

Unfortunately, NHibernate only wants to join the first one defined in the class, and always performs a SELECT for the second one. So in this scenario NHibernate queries the database first with:

SELECT {stuff} FROM SessionReportSummaries ... left outer join Clients on this.ClientId=Clients.Id ...

(with lots of other joins), and then N of these:

SELECT {stuff} FROM ClientReportSummary WHERE ClientReportSummary.ClientId = '{id goes here}'

one for each of the N clients in question. This results in terrible performance.

If I swap the positions of the Client and ClientReportSummary objects then NHibernate instead joins ClientReportSummary onto the SessionReportSummaries object, and performs a select for each Client object.

Does anyone know how I can get NHibernate to perform a join for both of these?

like image 316
mkearns Avatar asked Nov 08 '12 18:11


1 Answers

NHibernate will take only one same column mapping in a single query. So, because there are two different entities mapped via column attribute to value "ClientId":

  • [ManyToOne(Column = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]
  • [ManyToOne(Column = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]

The uniqueness of column mapping is in this case not granted. And it could cause damage, when insert or update form both entities would be applied. But we can use a trick: FORMULA mapping

[Class(Table = "SessionReportSummaries", Mutable = false)]
public class SessionReportSummaries
    [ManyToOne(Column = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]
    public Client Client { get; private set; }

    [ManyToOne(Formula = "ClientId", Fetch = FetchMode.Join)]
    public ClientReportSummary ClientReportSummary { get; private set; }

Now NHibernate will take one colum mapping as real relation and evaluate the second (defined in formula) as a different one. Now single select statement will be used

Whenever formula is used for mapping (instead of column), it should be marked as insert="false" and update="false". We need it just for a SELECT. (otherwise we can append a Client and a ClientReportSummary with different ClientId to SessionReportSummaries entity - which will violate exception...

The second approach could be one-to-one mapping, where the "ClientId" is expected to be really the same in all three tables... but it is another topic

like image 91
Radim Köhler Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Radim Köhler