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multiple elastic network interfaces to increase bandwidth

In AWS environment, Adding multiple elastic network interfaces to the EC2 instance can increase the network bandwidth, is it true?

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ljaerj Avatar asked Jan 26 '16 09:01


2 Answers

No this is not, the underlying hardware will not increase when you add a virtual NIC :) to increase bandwith you have to select bigger instance types

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Tom Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 14:11


It's one of the questions asked in AWS Solution Architect exams and the answer is most definitively "No".

However, there are other factors that can impact network bandwidth. Placement groups and Jambo frames can be an option for cases when you run an ensemble of instances that need an enhanced communication between themselves.

If you want an improved bandwidth overall, check ENA(Enhanced Network Adapter). It can provide up to 25 Gbps for certain connection types.

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yuranos Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 13:11
