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How to obtain the Public IP Address on EC2 launch instance request?

I can't figure it out how I can do it:


RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult =

So far everything works fine. Now I want to get the Public IP Address from the recently started instance. How can I do that?

I tried:


but the IP is always null.

like image 900
user2925688 Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 21:01


People also ask

Why public IP is not showing in EC2 instance?

The most common reason for no public IP address for your EC2 instance is that you are launching your EC2 instance using a private subnet. A private subnet means any EC2 instances located in that subnet aren't directly addressable from the public web.

Does EC2 instance need public IP?

For EC2 instances in a public subnet you will need an IP to receive web traffic. For security, make sure the security group associated with the public EC2 instance only allows traffic on the required ports.

When we launch EC2 in default VPC does it have an IP address?

Default subnets 0.0/0 to the internet gateway. However, if you do this, no EC2 instance running in that subnet can access the internet. Instances that you launch into a default subnet receive both a public IPv4 address and a private IPv4 address, and both public and private DNS hostnames.

1 Answers

When an instance is launched, it enters the Pending state and does not yet have a Public IP address. You will need to wait a little bit for it to be available.

After a few seconds, call DescribeInstances with the Instance ID originally returned, then extract the PublicIpAddress.

Here's a dump doing it from the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI):

$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-1500742f ...
    "OwnerId": "123456789012", 
    "ReservationId": "r-0d8cc4a12a94faba7", 
    "Groups": [], 
    "Instances": [
            "Monitoring": {
                "State": "disabled"
            "PublicDnsName": "", 
            "KernelId": "aki-c362fff9", 
            "State": {
                "Code": 0, 
                "Name": "pending"
            "EbsOptimized": false, 
            "LaunchTime": "2016-01-22T21:17:49.000Z", 
            "PrivateIpAddress": "", 
            "ProductCodes": [], 
            "VpcId": "vpc-7d087014", 
            "StateTransitionReason": "", 
            "InstanceId": "i-0afe19e0d061b95b5", 

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-0afe19e0d061b95b5
    "Reservations": [
            "OwnerId": "123456789012", 
            "ReservationId": "r-0d8cc4a12a94faba7", 
            "Groups": [], 
            "Instances": [
                    "Monitoring": {
                        "State": "disabled"
                    "PublicDnsName": "ec2-52-62-35-146.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com", 
                    "RootDeviceType": "ebs", 
                    "State": {
                        "Code": 16, 
                        "Name": "running"
                    "EbsOptimized": false, 
                    "LaunchTime": "2016-01-22T21:17:49.000Z", 
                    "PublicIpAddress": "", 
                    "PrivateIpAddress": "", 
like image 138
John Rotenstein Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

John Rotenstein