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Multiple commands on same line




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Can you have multiple commands on a single line in Linux?

Linux allows you to enter multiple commands at one time. The only requirement is that you separate the commands with a semicolon. Running the combination of commands creates the directory and moves the file in one line.

Can you run 2 command prompts at once?

Click Start, type cmd, and press Enter to open a command prompt window. In the Windows taskbar, right-click the command prompt window icon and select Command Prompt. A second command prompt window is opened.

A bar | will allow you to do this. From :help :bar

'|' can be used to separate commands, so you can give multiple commands in one line. If you want to use '|' in an argument, precede it with '\'.


:echo "hello" | echo "goodbye"



NB: You may find that your ~/.vimrc doesn't support mapping |, or \|. In these cases, try using <bar> instead.

Put <CR> (Carriage Return/Enter) between and after commands. For example:

map <F5> :w<CR>:!make && ./run<CR>

Don't use | because:

  • Some commands have problems if you use | after them

  • | does not work consistently in configuration files, see :help map_bar

You could define a function that executes your commands.

function Func()

And place this in, for example, your vimrc. Run the function with

exec Func()

The command seperator in vim is |.

I've always used ^J to separate multiple commands by pressing Ctrl+v, Ctrl+j.

Thought this might help someone trying to do substitutions in a chain and one fails

from a comment

%s/word/newword/ge | %s/word2/newword2/ge

You can use the e flag to ignore the error when the string is not found.

You can create a new file, and write your commands on it. Then :so %, which means source current file.