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Multi threaded file processing with .NET

There is a folder that contains 1000s of small text files. I aim to parse and process all of them while more files are being populated into the folder. My intention is to multithread this operation as the single threaded prototype took six minutes to process 1000 files.

I like to have reader and writer thread(s) as the following. While the reader thread(s) are reading the files, I'd like to have writer thread(s) to process them. Once the reader is started reading a file, I d like to mark it as being processed, such as by renaming it. Once it's read, rename it to completed.

How do I approach such a multithreaded application?

Is it better to use a distributed hash table or a queue?

Which data structure do I use that would avoid locks?

Is there a better approach to this scheme?

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DarthVader Avatar asked May 11 '10 02:05


People also ask

Is .NET multi threaded?

With . NET, you can write applications that perform multiple operations at the same time. Operations with the potential of holding up other operations can execute on separate threads, a process known as multithreading or free threading.

What is multithreading in .NET with example?

Multi-threading is a process that contains multiple threads within a single process. Here each thread performs different activities. For example, we have a class and this call contains two different methods, now using multithreading each method is executed by a separate thread.

Is multithreading possible in C#?

Multithreading in C# is a process in which multiple threads work simultaneously. It is a process to achieve multitasking. It saves time because multiple tasks are being executed at a time. To create multithreaded application in C#, we need to use System.

What is multithreading in ASP NET MVC?

Multithreading allows a program to run multiple threads concurrently. This article explains how multithreading works in . NET. This article covers the entire range of threading areas from thread creation, race conditions, deadlocks, monitors, mutexes, synchronization and semaphores and so on.

2 Answers

Since there's curiosity on how .NET 4 works with this in comments, here's that approach. Sorry, it's likely not an option for the OP. Disclaimer: This is not a highly scientific analysis, just showing that there's a clear performance benefit. Based on hardware, your mileage may vary widely.

Here's a quick test (if you see a big mistake in this simple test, it's just an example. Please comment, and we can fix it to be more useful/accurate). For this, I just dropped 12,000 ~60 KB files into a directory as a sample (fire up LINQPad; you can play with it yourself, for free! - be sure to get LINQPad 4 though):

var files = 
Directory.GetFiles("C:\\temp", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //start timer
files.ForEach(f => File.ReadAllBytes(f).GetHashCode()); //do work - serial
sw.Stop(); //stop
sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump("Run MS - Serial"); //display the duration

files.AsParallel().ForAll(f => File.ReadAllBytes(f).GetHashCode()); //parallel
sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump("Run MS - Parallel");

Slightly changing your loop to parallelize the query is all that's needed in most simple situations. By "simple" I mostly mean that the result of one action doesn't affect the next. Something to keep in mind most often is that some collections, for example our handy List<T> is not thread safe, so using it in a parallel scenario isn't a good idea :) Luckily there were concurrent collections added in .NET 4 that are thread safe. Also keep in mind if you're using a locking collection, this may be a bottleneck as well, depending on the situation.

This uses the .AsParallel<T>(IEnumeable<T>) and .ForAll<T>(ParallelQuery<T>) extensions available in .NET 4.0. The .AsParallel() call wraps the IEnumerable<T> in a ParallelEnumerableWrapper<T> (internal class) which implements ParallelQuery<T>. This now allows you to use the parallel extension methods, in this case we're using .ForAll().

.ForAll() internally crates a ForAllOperator<T>(query, action) and runs it synchronously. This handles the threading and merging of the threads after it's running... There's quite a bit going on in there, I'd suggest starting here if you want to learn more, including additional options.

The results (Computer 1 - Physical Hard Disk):

  • Serial: 1288 - 1333ms
  • Parallel: 461 - 503ms

Computer specs - for comparison:

  • Quad Core i7 920 @ 2.66 GHz
  • 12 GB RAM (DDR 1333)
  • 300 GB 10k rpm WD VelociRaptor

The results (Computer 2 - Solid State Drive):

  • Serial: 545 - 601 ms
  • Parallel: 248 - 278 ms

Computer specifications - for comparison:

  • Quad Core 2 Quad Q9100 @ 2.26 GHz
  • 8 GB RAM (DDR 1333)
  • 120 GB OCZ Vertex SSD (Standard Version - 1.4 Firmware)

I don't have links for the CPU/RAM this time, these came installed. This is a Dell M6400 Laptop (here's a link to the M6500... Dell's own links to the 6400 are broken).

These numbers are from 10 runs, taking the min/max of the inner 8 results (removing the original min/max for each as possible outliers). We hit an I/O bottleneck here, especially on the physical drive, but think about what the serial method does. It reads, processes, reads, processes, rinse repeat. With the parallel approach, you are (even with a I/O bottleneck) reading and processing simultaneously. In the worst bottleneck situation, you're processing one file while reading the next. That alone (on any current computer!) should result in some performance gain. You can see that we can get a bit more than one going at a time in the results above, giving us a healthy boost.

Another disclaimer: Quad core + .NET 4 parallel isn't going to give you four times the performance, it doesn't scale linearly... There are other considerations and bottlenecks in play.

I hope this was on interest in showing the approach and possible benefits. Feel free to criticize or improve... This answer exists solely for those curious as indicated in the comments :)

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Nick Craver Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10

Nick Craver


The Producer/Consumer pattern will probably be the most useful for this situation. You should create enough threads to maximize the throughput.

Here are some questions about the Producer/Consumer pattern to give you an idea of how it works:

  • C# Producer/Consumer pattern
  • C# producer/consumer

You should use a blocking queue and the producer should add files to the queue while the consumers process the files from the queue. The blocking queue requires no locking, so it's about the most efficient way to solve your problem.

If you're using .NET 4.0 there are several concurrent collections that you can use out of the box:

  • ConcurrentQueue: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd267265%28v=VS.100%29.aspx
  • BlockingCollection: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd267312%28VS.100%29.aspx


A single producer thread will probably be the most efficient way to load the files from disk and push them onto the queue; subsequently multiple consumers will be popping items off the queue and they'll process them. I would suggest that you try 2-4 consumer threads per core and take some performance measurements to determine which is most optimal (i.e. the number of threads that provide you with the maximum throughput). I would not recommend the use a ThreadPool for this specific example.

P.S. I don't understand what's the concern with a single point of failure and the use of distributed hash tables? I know DHTs sound like a really cool thing to use, but I would try the conventional methods first unless you have a specific problem in mind that you're trying to solve.

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Kiril Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10
